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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Second Facet of Marriage Preparation

Character and Enriching Relationships

The skills and knowledge that is needed to prepare one for abstinence and marriage require for one to develop a certain quality of heart and character.

When one knows about mature love and how to have effective communication within a healthy relationship require unselfishness, patience, courage and kindness.

To mold a young person to have do the inner work in order to meet the demands of a lifelong love involves character training which requires developing the heart, conscience and a mature character.

Instructions from faith-based resources stress the difference between right and wrong and focusing on a higher purpose than themselves.

Character development would note how important relationships in the family, friends also teach lessons on the need to love.

Enriching Relationships

1. Parents and other elders
  1. Siblings and friends of both sexes

Personal Character

In the future, would you like to have a wife with a beautiful face or a beautiful mind?” Reverend Moon has asked youth. “You should have a beautiful and giving mind, and live your life centered on the mind and not on your appearance.”

Most people focus on the way a person looks or just the personality of the opposite sex when it comes to dating. Therefore, these are the same quality traits one will focus on in themselves to attract love.

After having many unsuccessful relationships, a single person can see in the end that being caring, generous and kind are the best traits to look for in a potential partner.

Also, young people should know it is unfair to expect their partner to have qualities that they do not have themselves.

A good subject partner attracts a good object partner and vice versa.

It takes a good person to appreciate another good person.

Reverend Moon has said, “No matter how good your partner is, you will not be able to see his or her value without you yourself being the best.”

Therefore, young people should concentrate on perfecting their own character before choosing an ideal partner. To find a good husband or wife is to become one yourself.

Ovid said, “To be loved, be lovable.”

When one invests daily to cultivate their own heart and character in order to be a good mate for someone else, they will attract a good person.

Such an attitude creates the habit of looking at oneself instead of the spouse when conflict arises.

When one has a good character looking for compatibility in a partner, it is wise to look for a mate that also has a quality character.

Sexual attraction and having the same interests will cause an immediate connection, but these can change. On the other hand, sharing values and having mutual respect adds for a more enduring basis for a promising marriage.

For one to maintain their chastity and have a successful marriage, requires moral strengths more than any other fact of life.

The following are key characteristics

Personal Character

  1. Self-control
  2. Faith in God and sense of higher purpose
  3. Sense of personal worth

  1. Self-control

Self-control means to delay gratification and discipline any ungodly desires.

This ability forms the basis for the mind and body to unite and to give true love. To keep one's purity, self-control is the central virtue while self-discipline is an underlining virtue to have the capacity to follow through to have a committed marriage.

One must practice obedience to one's parents and be submissive to their demands until one's own conscience's voice becomes strong enough to guide the body this is self-control.

Will power is the engine of self-control, which in turn is powered by motivation, the fruit of understanding and emotion.

To strengthen one's will involves feeding the intellect with knowledge and feed the heart with inspiration.

In order to be successful in life requires ones to focus and have determination for the goal. These two qualities also serves one who is remaining chaste in preparation for marriage.

It takes self-discipline to apply oneself to studying, to learn a new skill, to avoid drugs and alcohol when they are lonely or sad and to make good choices in love.

Now, many teenagers make a purity pledge before God, family and friends and members of their community to bolster self-control. 

Wearing a purity ring serves as a visible reminder of one's promise to not have sex until they are married. 

They can look forward the to the day that this ring is replaced with a wedding ring. It is essential for a single person to can be around others who share their same struggles and celebrate their successes and hold them accountable for all of their decisions. Their support systems can help serve as their external conscience.

Two of my friends and I, we made a pact,” one college senior confides, “so when I feel my resolve fading, I think about my friends and I can’t let them down. We call each other up a lot and we check on each other.”

The mind is the most neglected area of self-control when it comes to purity.

The mind is the most prominent sexual organ.

Sexual expression is affected by the imagination and through learning. If one wants to remain chaste, they must avoid inflaming his or her sexual desire for anyone outside their present or future spouse.

Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire,” the Bible warns. “Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin.” James 1.14-15

There is a reason that Jesus declared, “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5.28

A Taoist text likewise says, “when you meet a beautiful woman in another man’s home and cannot banish her from your thoughts, you have committed adultery with her in your heart.” Treatise on Response and

A impulsive thought is hard to control, but the following fantasy is under one's control.

Keeping the mind free and pure not only helps the maintenance of purity but it is also promotes the greatest intimacy and sexual joy in marriage.

  1. Faith in God and a Sense of Higher Purpose

One who is trying to maintain their purity and prepare oneself to cultivate the spouse's realm of heart is to have faith in God.

Such faith has two dimensions: one is giving Him priority in life; love Him first.

The other dimension is that faith demonstrates love through trust and obedience. Having a relationship as the central part of one's life when the first ancestor's were to have focus on the Heavenly Father to be their primary love.

If Adam and Eve were to obey God's warning even though they couldn't understand their Father's heart, they would have not been affected to the power of selfish and illicit love when they were tempted.

This same trust in God would is needed as an anchor for their marriage and family life.

People can find power through trusting in God's truth and the promises He makes, plus trust their parent's guidance and other figures who represent Him.

Having trust that our Heavenly Parent can sustain a person through the rough times when people at home, work or school does not inspire. When they feel empty inside, God can console the 'restless heart' which Augustine referred to.

Only God fully understands one's pain and struggle.

Youth pastor Rick Stedman was tempted during the years before his marriage at age 30 to have sex.

First, he thanked God for having sexual desire which will be necessary in marriage. Then, he would pray for his friends, family members one by one who gave him love that helped him through his loneliness.

Sexual desire then becomes moments of strengthening the pastor's connection to God and to his loved ones.

Having such a strong faith means one loves God more than one's own partner and all He signifies

Therefore, after [we] love God, love the world and love the nation,” Reverend Moon teaches, we may invest
our love in our spouse.

Paradoxically, when one places God's love as central, this ensures that one's love is true because true love is unchanging goodness and truth. Seeing through God's eyes ensures that they will have love for their future spouse that is lasting.

Having trust in God and following His ways protects one's future marriage in every way. The strongest unions are God-centered.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Family is Road to World Peace

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook "Educating for World Peace"

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