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Friday, February 28, 2014

Church Leaders Practice Public Life

The person who is a leader of more than a thousand people has been evaluated and approved by the spirit world. One does not start out as a central figure with confidence.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

I, too, have never thought myself as being confident. I realized that before I liked myself, I had to like God and I had to like the one whom God was seeking. How to possess this kind of heart was my endeavor. If I have that heart, there is nothing that is impossible.”

Have the kind of mind that makes people happier and the heart to console the sorrowful person.

The true shepherd does not say he is the true shepherd.

A true shepherd always embraces God's will quietly and also the entire universe within his heart then he goes out. He does not make excuses.

After you work hard in your mission to do public service, you might fall asleep from exhaustion not realizing how tired you are. But when you awaken, you will be totally refreshed.

When this happens, then you will realize, “Ah, this is what the principled life is.”

But on the other hand, if you think, “Well, I slept only three and a half hours last night, therefore I should sleep a little more.” 

Then your entire body will feel as though it weighs a thousands pounds and you will feel pain all over. This is why you are told not to have such thoughts.

A leader should not be the first to lie down no matter how tired he may he.

A leader should only lie down after everyone else has lain down.

He should be the last to finish praying. In this life of faith, such a leader should offer devotion without food, clothing or shelter. This is the position of a true leader. If he can live that way, he will not perish.

I am at a loss for words before a devoted person. As leader of the Unification Church, when I am considering which of two people is better, I do not take into account who is handsome, but rather I look at the direction of their mind. In other words, I see whether their mind is public or personal.”

Even the first step you take out of bed every morning, you should think whether it is for the public purpose or your own private purpose.

Then when you go to bed after you finish a long day, you should reflect whether you day was spent for others or for your private purpose.

Can you say that the last twelve months of your life, or even your entire past life, was it led for the public life or a person one?

The person who is in a public position is pitiful.

If a public person was to do his best, yet still made a mistake while following God's will, then a thousands years of merit goes wrong. He must live with such a serious heart of service.

Don't drift along day by day as the months pass. If we do not focus on preparing for the new day's advance, then we will become prey for the vultures here in the wilderness.

We are historical pioneers laying a foundation for future generations to restore themselves to their original godly position.

As pioneers, we must break through difficult surroundings and prepare your attitude toward a hopeful tomorrow.

Once you take responsibility, then you fight and struggle. You must go through a struggle of life and death while walking this path of restoration. During this battle, you should lay the foundation to bring at least three people who oppose you to naturally submit to you during your lifetime.

In order to do this, you must first have ideological knowledge and then faith will do the rest of the work. If you do not line up your thoughts and your faith to a certain level, then you will not be able to claim them and someone else can easily take away your faith in one sentence.

The foundation that I have accomplished and strengthened, and the ground that has roots that are firmly planted, can never be taken away except by the application of a strength and faith that is greater than them.”

So, what kind of heart do you need to have?

Have the determination to exchange even your life if you cannot carry out your responsibility in this life of faith. In that case, then a solution will emerge that will resolve the core of the problem.

When you are able to say, “I've done all that I could do as a human being. I offered my entire heart and extreme dedication day and night,” then God will see you have done everything you could, even though you could not complete your mission and will return you your efforts.

A church leader is like the high priest of that region.

Pray for the people, even if you have to lose sleep.

Give your full devotion to save people. For there to be a response to an offering, the high priest and God must be united.

Therefore, you will not prosper if you do not have a formal, serious gathering.

It is heavenly law for participants to bow in front of offerings.

In an offering, God comes down to the altar and intervenes.

He will help you only when you exude passion, strength and effort and when you speak sincerely more than you ever shown in your lifetime.

Make offerings with a serious mind and commitment.

Will a person be blessed once they pass away if they lived a life of full comfort, abundance, food, laughter and dance? Only grass will grow on the graves of such people.

But on the graves of those who died while shedding blood for the nation, the flowers will bloom as long as that nation remains.

It is not easy to be the teacher of the Unification Church. It is extremely difficult. It feels the same as wearing a prisoner's uniform and walking toward the execution chamber, and yet I am walking that path. You probably do not understand because you have never spent time in prison.
I live in a well-appointed mansion, but I do not need it. I have been trained to live in a hut. I can just as easily live there. I have trained myself to become the best laborer; I can remove my jacket and work on a construction site. If there was someone in prison whom God loved, then I trained my heart to hold on to him, maintain complete dominion over the environment, and become a friend with whom he could shed tears.”

Return for Tomorrow's Post: 

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook, Cheon SEong Gyeong, Book seven, Chapter three, section 3.

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