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Turn World Peace's Long Post Into Audio
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Saturday, February 22, 2014

A World of Jesuses = World Peace

We are living in a world where we can connect to another thousands of miles away in moments, things only wished for by millions of ancestors for thousands of years.  Yet, we see that the nations are not truly interconnected.  They exist solely for their own national benefit and intesrest.

They each plot, connive, cheat and lie to gain the benefit for themselves.

They destroy other nations instead of building them up.  Have you seen one nation on earth that has pledged to God, "God, use our nation as your sacrifice and your altar, as a way to save the world."?

Is there such a nation?  Where?

It is a known fact that as a founding nation, when America gave of their lives, sacrificed duty in the world, gave money and demonstrated the spirit of service, it enjoyed a golden age in just a few hundred years of its birth.  It gave to other countries in need and a helping hand.

But now, America has turned toward a selfish attitude.  We are experiencing severe domestic problems.  This is a turning point in history.  We see more division, corruption increases and immorality chokes this land. This is not to be critical of America who has a glorious history, this is the heavenly truth which Jesus proclaimed 2,000 years ago.

"If the Unification Church exists solely for the benefit or the welfare of the Unification Church itself, then it is doomed to perish. I founded the Church so that I could give my life, my heart, and my soul for the advancement of the salvation of the world. I teach the members of this Church to have as their only motivation the desire to serve others, to save this nation and the world.Not all religions are good."

There are several religions practiced around the world.  There are those that are God-centered and there are Satan-centered religions as well.

How can one distinguish the difference between the two?  By observing their actions.

The religions that try to take the stronger position and conquer the world are evil religions.  The good religions always go to the lowest position and serve the other.  This principle is true for the nations as well.

The national religion should work for the sake of the world, not for just its own churches and peoples.  A good religion promotes the spirit of service throughout the world.

Jesus did not teach his disciples laws of retaliation. 

Instead, Jesus taught that if someone strikes you on the right cheek, then you turn your other cheek to him.   And if anyone forces you to go one mile, the you go two miles with him.

You never retaliate.  All you have to do is completely and totally give and then God will return to you more and more abundantly.

It is the greatest puzzle in all of history how an unknown, uneducated carpenter by the name of Jesus became the most well-known household name for the past 2,000 years.

Jesus was not well-accepted during his lifetime.  He didn't have any formal education and he had humble looks and he was shabby.

If it was prophesied that the Messiah would be King, then the he would more than likely have the support of the highest priests, the nobles.  Instead, Jesus collected fishermen from around the sea and tax collectors, harlots - the undesirables, the lest likely to witness to the Messiah's works.  he went from village to village with such people.  He said such shocking and revolutionary unheard of things at his time.  People thought he was crazy and even dangerous.  Ultimately, he was crucified on the cross.

How is it in just a 33-year life span can one be known universally for 2,000 years?

Jesus lived according to God's formula.

Jesus was the embodiment of God's word, God's truth.

Jesus is a universal man and this is what set him apart.  He was a completely public person.  His life was the example of the true meaning of living for the sake of others.  He was able to embrace the whole universe.  This is how God lived throughout history, never a moment for Himself.

God's and Jesus' philosophies paralleled.  Thus, after Jesus's crucifixion, God raised His name above universally.  When the Roman soldiers pierced Jesus, he prayed for them and asked Father to forgive them for they did not know what they were doing.  Luke 23:34

Even at the moment of his death, Jesus was earnest in forgiving.  His very last act on earth was motivated by his love for even his enemies.

He has a compassionate mind that embraced his own people and also his people's own enemies.  He was a paragon of love.  He did not just pray for one Roman soldier, but he was praying for the forgiveness of the entire Roman Empire.

Jesus arrived with an international, and global mission.  He was not there for just one group or one soul.  Today, many Christians make the same mistake as the Jewish people in Jesus' time, they look for their own salvation, their own cubbyhole upstairs.  But this is not the way he sees it.

Either you win the whole world or nothing can be won.

True men and women are those who can sacrifice themselves for the sake of all humanity.

Jesus was such a man.  He was the first one who was awakened to the fact that he had to die for the sake of God's mission of restoring His fallen children.  For God's future true nation and all of God's peoples.

This is why people admire Jesus to this day, and God loves him.

Both God's love and true human love were revealed through Jesus. 

A new world was thus started through Jesus' life's work.

Jesus Christ left an example of the absolute standard for all of humankind to follow.  What if there was a nation that was entirely composed of people just like Jesus?

What kind of place could we call it if everyone observed God's law and had Jesus's heart?  We would call this the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

History is witness that no empire can withstand the army of sacrificial love. 

Jesus Christ's form of loving, giving and sacrifice has been unparalleled in history.  He was Lord over all of life because of this standard and he will remain Lord forever.

In the same way, there is no one in the universe that has surpassed the total giving and loving of God.  This makes God, God forever.  He reigns over all creation.

We observe how such a great nation as Roman collapsed in front of an army that did not have any weapons, but consisted of soldiers of Jesus Christ.

What means did Christians use to conquer Rome?

Christians conquered through love, sacrifice and total giving even at the cost of their lives.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Human Were Made to be Perfect

This post was rewritten and derived from

God's Warning to the World Message from Prison - Jesus' Standard of Goodness

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