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Monday, December 16, 2013

What Truly is Good, What is Evil?

God had planned for Adam and Eve to be true sons and daughter.  Would God end His plans just because His children followed a different direction?

The first step in becoming God's trues sons and daughters, we must fully understand good and evil - from God's standpoint.

If we were to ask several people their viewpoint on a certain subject such as homosexuality and sex outside of marriage, we would get different answers of either being good or bad depending on the person's own thinking.

Q. What is goodness and what is evil?

God defines the eternal standard of what is good and what is evil.  It is not based on human definition.

His definition has existed before the time of creation, long before evil had ever entered into the Garden of Eden.

God's view of good and evil will never change. 

God is eternal, His law is eternal, and His definition is eternal and unchanging.

We commonly look upon human understanding and self-centered ideas of what is seen as evil.  Each year just through observation of what is allowed on television, we see that this standard of good and evil is continually to downgrade to be the same.

All of our human traits originate from God, therefore our human tendency for selfishness is natural because at one time, God Himself was self-centered before He created humanity.

This fact may be surprising, but you must know that before humanity came into being, He was all alone with no one to care for but Himself.  Isn't this correct?

However, as soon as creation was initiated, God's concept of life emerged.  Now, God lives for His counterpart, not for Himself.

Q. What is creation? 

Creation means nothing more than the Creator, God, projecting Himself into a substantial form.

God incarnates directly in man and woman.  Thus, when God takes form, this is creation.  He invested one hundred percent of Himself in the creation including His energy, idea and love.

The biblical account of creation sounds simple and easy such as turning on a light switch.

God says, "Let there be Light" -  poof the world comes into being, " Let there be man" and poof, Adam and Eve come into existence.

But we now know that creation was God's total labor, His total effort of giving all of Himself putting His entire heart and soul into the creation of His object.

Only in this way could He create His 'second self', into the visible form or God.

Through His investment of 100 percent, His object would mature and return to Him many, many times the fruits of His love, life and ideal.

His object, man and woman, is everything to God. 

His object's life attracts Him.  He wants to go and dwell with His object on earth.  Think of an artist who works at random without any feeling to her work.  She would not be able to create anything worthwhile.
In order to create the masterpiece of a lifetime, she would have to put in all of her heart and soul into her creation.  Isn't that what the most remembered artwork in society has ever been?

In that way, her art becomes her life.

God is the greatest of all artists. 

When He created His masterpiece, man and woman, He poured His heart into the process. He poured His soul into it. He poured all of His wisdom and all of His effort into it. God wished only to exist for Adam and Eve and all humankind. He saved not a single ounce of effort when He created them. Thus, humanity has become the life of God.

God set the pattern for the universe to follow: living for other where the subject exists for the object and the object exists for the subject.

God's definition of goodness is - total giving, total service and absolute, pure unselfishness.

Even God follows this principle.

He lives for human beings and we live for God.  The husband lives for the wife and the wife lives for the husband.

This definition is far from the mainstream of society of 'every man for themselves' or 'only the strong survive'.  In such a household, there are no egos pushing people into divorce.

God's ideal society was that man and woman would live for one another and the parents and children would live for one another.

It is in such a place that unity, harmony, and prosperity abound.

I want you to know that love is the most holy and supreme impulse. 

If you can lay down your life for the sake of your spouse, you are the greatest lover.

Adam and Eve were to learn the lesson of love through observing nature.  If you study the holiest people, saints and sages in history, you will see that they have always been intimate with nature.

Our home must be one full of love for the family and for nature.  All the creatures, including the insects, will want to become a part of your "love orchestra."  You will have plants, animals, flowers and insects dwelling together in love.

The universe welcomes those men and women who consider love the supreme value.

Is this wrong to state that love is almighty and greater than life itself?

The English language has not developed adjectives large enough to describe love.

Love is absolute, unchanging, beautiful, sweet; yet none of these words can truly encompass love.

You were not born for your own sake but for the sake of others. As long as your terminology is "we" and "us" the universe supports you, but as soon as you think in terms of "I" and "me" the universe will turn against you.

Eventually you will be expelled from this universe. Can you complain against this rule?

This is the beauty of marriage - it pushes people to think of themselves always in the context of another person.  Whether it is their spouse or children.  Likewise the family requires us to think in terms of 'we'.

Would men be disturbed if I said that they were created for a woman?  Many of them would be proud of their masculinity and would not want to hear this, but this is the principle of God's creation.

Man lives his life for this partner, not for himself.

Even a beauty queens attributes are not for her own gratification, it is for the delight of men.  God created us to live for each other.

This is the basis for human relationships in society.

Parents exist for their children, and children exist for their parents. Then both parents and children, when they give unselfishly, become united in a circular motion.

Therefore, all of God's creation is based on a pattern of circular movement, since He created for eternity. Even our faces are round, although there is one central vertical line. Our eyeballs are round, and there are upper and lower lips which make up a round mouth. The sun is round, the moon, the earth, and all heavenly bodies are round.

They are each rotating on their own axes and revolving around the others. Everything in this universe has complementary give and take action between subject and object. Give and take action occurs between artery and vein, and thus blood circulates through the body.

Therefore, the opposite must not be GOOD but evil.  To live for oneself, to harm others and so forth.

Human sickness is the state where the balance of give and take action is broken, and normal circulating motion is stopped.

Without having this give and take action between subject and object, without abiding by this principle, nothing endures for eternity.

Each individual is a tiny being compared with the size of the universe. However, each individual feels the need to link him or herself with the whole universe.

This is the beginning of understanding how it is possible to have world peace.

All existence that is based upon God's principle of harmonious give and take is a good existence.

Q. Then, what is evil? 

Evil is the creation of selfishness in the world.  An individual is evil who takes his or her own direction to indulge only themselves.  The more the person moves, the more destruction they bring to the universe.

If there were enough people to follow that way, everything would be destroyed.  Isn't that what is happening in such a society today?

Such a 'freedom-loving' attitude ruins the whole world.

God's principle of unselfish giving, which is good, was twisted into an ungodly principle of selfish taking. The ungodly position of desiring to be served rather than to serve was thereby established.

Where did such ideals come from if God didn't create it in the beginning?

The source and creator of evil is Satan. 

He was in the position to serve God, but instead he posed as another god and subjugated man and woman for his own benefit. God is the absolute positive force in the universe.

Then Satan posed as another positive force. Two positives naturally repel each other. Satan is a fallen archangel.

He left his position as faithful servant to God and God's children, and he challenged and competed with God. His motivation was selfishness. Out of his selfishness comes the origin of evil and sin.

What happened is this: Eve fell from her position as God's first daughter, becoming the first victim of Satan and transforming herself into a creature of selfishness.

Together Eve and Satan then successfully brought Adam into their selfish world. They committed sin through an illicit, unchaste love relationship. And what was the love relationship between them like?

Everything should begin from God. Then it goes to Adam and Eve, and then to the Archangel. But things went in a reverse way: first the Archangel, then Eve and Adam.  This is the corruption we see in society.

That means that the Archangel seduced Eve, the Master's intended wife.

After that shame Eve wanted to justify her sin, and she tempted Adam by having Adam commit the same sin. All of them defied God.  We know that God is an absolute being only in the ways which are good.

But God cannot cut them off and tread down upon them. God was the Master and Creator of all those people and things; thus, the sin was committed within His family. So it was natural for God to grieve over what took place.

He was in shame, too. In your own family, if you commit sins, or if your mother commits a sin, would your father be honored or put to shame?

Then how grieved would God have been having that kind of son and daughter and that kind of a servant?

He was remorseful, grieved and angered. In light of all this we can say that God is a grieving God and an ashamed God.

The foundation for the evil history of the human race was laid, and Satan was established as the ruler of this world. We must understand clearly what Satan did. Satan stole and destroyed the very element that God was seeking to perfect with man and woman: His love.

The loving relationship between God and His children was ripped apart.

Selfishness came into being at the beginning of human history, and now our world is rampant with killing, lying, and stealing.

All of these actions in the evil world are motivated by selfishness.

Evil subjugates others for its own benefit, while good sacrifices itself for the benefit of others. 

God has been trying to restore His original world of goodness and abolish evil.

We need a savior in this kingdom of hell where evil reigns and destroys goodness.
The United States is far away from this position.

The individual and individualism are good attributes to have, but America and Westerners put too much stress on these two things.

As a result, they have lost their nation, their people, their family, their parents, and even themselves. They are like hawks and blow where the wind blows.

God's ultimate purpose is not the salvation of any particular individual, church, or nation. God's purpose is to save the whole world.

People of the world are dying and desperately suffering. If they are your brothers and sisters then you have to reach them and cry out for them.

True Christians must be willing to sacrifice their own lives for the salvation of the world and all humankind.

Can we find such a nation on this earth? There is no such nation sacrificing itself.

Therefore, religion must sacrifice itself. Religion must sacrifice itself for a nation, and that nation must sacrifice itself for the sake of the world. And the world must sacrifice itself for the sake of God.

That way God's ideal of one world can be reached. If this religion is in America, then it must sacrifice all that it has to save America.

That religion should not fight to multiply its churches but should work to save the nation, sacrificing its own churches.

If it works with such spirit, then that nation will come to that religion and eventually unite with it. And when this religion unites with its nation, they must go forward to save the whole world, sacrificing themselves.

Therefore, without sacrifice, God's will cannot be realized.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Meet God at Time of Worship

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