Then, if evolution is true, who determines its direction?
Evolution heads towards a higher state of development. Does each element determine its own goal?
Does each being know where it is going to advance next? Evolution needs the input of new energy to develop into a higher state. How does the process of evolution obtain its energy?
Today's science is totally deadlocked in this area. Even if the level of development is different, all things-grass, rocks, trees, etc. aspire in some way to be like God, who exists in dual essentialities.
All the things of creation focus on one center and are concentrated into one microcosm-human beings. All the elements of the entire universe were assembled and compacted into one little shape: a human being.
Each smaller plus and minus combines into bigger elements, forming higher and greater existences. The basic qualification for being absorbed or harmonized by a higher being is absolute internal harmony and balance between plus and minus. A harmonized plus and minus resembles God, who is perfect harmony.
The Principle states that wherever a perfect plus exists, it will automatically attract a perfect minus.
When a greater plus appears, the smaller minus becomes a greater minus in order to become worthy of complementing the greater plus.
The minus thus grows to create balance. Suppose the minus is not large enough to balance a very large plus, how will it create balance? Balance is created through another small minus, and with it will grow in stature.
Evolution is a theory that is an external observation of internal processes within creation. It analyzes phenomena after the fact, but it cannot show internally that there is always a will and a goal at work. Through give and take action, a new higher being is created.
All the elements of the universe revolve around God.
Even in our own body, one cell does not remain in one organ, but it circulates all over the body, from toe to brain.
Blood is a harmonizer. It travels throughout the body and blends with all its elements. Also, the nerves bring all the cells and organs into harmony.
We can compare the process of spiritual growth to the educational process. We start in life as a little being who wants to become higher and larger since we want to resemble God, who is the highest being of all.
Children go through elementary school, but they are not satisfied with just that level.
They want to continue through high school and perhaps go to college and graduate school.
When he finally gets his Ph.D., he might turn around and put down his 'lower-level' education and say it was a waste of time. He wouldn't be able to do this because his experiences at the earlier levels, formed the foundation for his Ph.D. work. They harmonious with the higher education.
From balance comes harmony, cooperation and advancement.
Communism proclaims that development comes about through struggle and confrontation, but this is a lie.
This is exactly opposite of God's ideal.
How is it possible for higher beings to develop through such disharmony and struggle?
Only balance, cooperation and harmony can bring about growth and development.
With this simple principle, we are able to evaluate the errors in the evolution theory. We can also show that the ideology of communism, birthed from evolution theory, is based upon falsehood.
The Divine Principle stresses that God exists with dual essentialities. This sounds very simple, but nothing grows without the interaction of a subject and object, a pair system.
The greatest historical question has just been answered whether the world was created or is the result of evolution.
The universe was created is the most logical answer.
Since everything in creation has a direction and goal, when one aspires toward their goal and takes action, energy arises that enables them to reach that goal.
Thus, it is logical to conclude that the entire universe is heading in a certain direction and there is a will which determines that direction.
Once one sets the goal, movement has direction and all existence has a goal.
People of religion speak of a heaven on earth.
Communist also speak of an Utopia as the inevitable goal of an ideal world. Except this world will run according to their 'law' of materialism and regulated through force. But that is pure fabrication. The basic human right under God is freedom of choice. Even God does not force His principle on His children.
How can unity be reached through violence and struggle and constant conflict?
The clear answer is that history has been the struggle between good and evil, not between plus and minus or complementary elements of male and female.
History is filled with examples of confrontations and struggle, but between good and evil. When communists say that struggle between the classes is necessary for growth, this is false.
We can see the clear evidence of this through the conflict we experience within our own hearts.
There are two processes operating within all creation: action and reaction.
When we only look at the reaction process, everything appears to be a struggle, but through action, a parallel reaction automatically appears.
The authors of communism look at such phenomenon and come to a different conclusion. They believe that a new element or creation comes into being when two elements continually war with each other. This is their view of existence according to dialectical materialism.
There are active and reactive elements. There are two very different ways of explaining them: communism or Principle.
A repelling energy exists in the universe, but God is complete harmony between plus and minus. he is a perfect being.
If there was a foreign element, like within a healthy body, this perfect element repels it.
Even in our own experiences we repel threats to our life and being even unconsciously. When an insect flies toward your eye, you automatically sway it away.
If someone came to you in a threatening manner, you would crouch down making yourself smaller, ready to burst into action. You repel any external invasions and defend yourself against foreign elements.
Why does the human body shrink first before it strikes out? It is because the universe is like that. Once you achieve perfect harmony, you want to maintain it for eternity.
Everything aims for eternal existence; therefore, you have the built-in power to repel any threat.
You have your own defense department within you! Likewise, all of creation also seeks to protect itself for the sake of preserving harmony. This is the beauty of the universe!
The Principle teaches that when plus and minus come together, God is able to dwell within us.
This is because harmony reflects God's own characteristics.
Once we have this base, God can dwell within us. Blood flows toward healthy cells and the nervous system serves them.
A perfectly functioning cell automatically sends an invitation to the circulatory and nervous systems and the life force flows into it.
When the plus and minus elements completely harmonize, God comes to dwell there.
Therefore, both a harmonizing or comforting force and a repelling force exists.
The harmonizing force brings everything into oneness like glue. The repelling force rebuffs any threats to that perfect harmony.
It springs into action and yells, "Get out of here!"
A rapport is established between plus and minus, but a foreign element that is not a perfect plus or minus is unwelcomed.
Of course you would rather talk to a loving person with whom you have a complete rapport, rather than with someone you dislike.
You rather not have them around. The universe operates in two ways: by harmonizing and by repelling. Both activities needs energy.
If you are not able to observe the whole picture, you will only notice the small elements and the repelling action. You will see the struggle and wonder how such things are able to develop into something greater.
For instance, Darwin observed the conflicts within nature and came to his conclusion from only external observations.
But when you are able to view the whole, you will see the repelling force and the harmonizing and unifying force - not just the repelling force.
Whenever you seek after a greater object or subject, the uniting force becomes greater than the repelling force and it draws you forward.
If you know something about elementary electricity, you realize that two circuits are required in an electrical current: a plus circuit and a minus circuit.
Do plus and minus attract or repel each other? They attract.
However, two pluses and two minuses repel each other. When plus and minus unite, they resemble God, but plus and plus together do not.
If you observe a thunderstorm, there are great masses of plus energy that collides with masses of minus energy in the air. When they come together, they produce a joyful spark and an incredible sound.
But, if the plus repels plus and minus repels minus, how is it possible to amass such a huge plus and huge minus?
I was studying electrical engineering, and I was going to write my dissertation on this topic. However, I changed my studies to religion and never wrote the dissertation, but I still have a theory about this question. Engineers and physicists do not deal with philosophical questions; they usually just study the phenomena. I worked out a beautiful theory to show why plus and plus do not always repel but also unite under certain circumstances.
If there is no minus element present, then the plus and plus will join. As soon as a plus does spot a minus-a potential 'mate'-then he exclaims that this is what he has been hunting for a long time!
The plus will then reject the plus and goes to the minus.
We can take another example. When boys are young they are best friends with each other. In this case, plus and plus are united.
But once men meets the woman who will become his spouse, he does not want other men around anymore.
When a plus discovers a minus, it is drawn to its object. This is because their unity will make them more like the image of God. No matter how closely plus and plus are united, it does not reflect the image of God.
On the other hand, when plus and minus unite and repel others, they are actually giving them a loving push away.
This is an encouragement to go and find their own mate and create their own eternal harmony. The repelling action is a stimulant for others to become the harmonized image of God.
When plus unites with another plus, forming a higher pluses, universal, eternal beauty is created. Ultimately the super plus and super minus are destined to meet to create the ultimate universal, eternal beauty.
On one magnetic pole is mankind, which is the supreme creation, and on the other magnetic pole is the universe and the rest is creation.
When mankind unites with the universe and energy flows between them, they give birth to incredible beauty and the ideal world.
However, this is not the end of the journey. As we continue our quest to reach our destination, our subject, God, we find complete, ultimate harmony, with God as the plus and mankind as the minus.
Once men and women join in perfect harmony, the repelling forces will push away any foreign element that tries to invade it telling it to go and find its own mate.
Your body tells you that the normal harmony or balance is broken somewhere through sickness and pain. You feel pain because something invaded and upset it.
The universal repelling force operates in your body to drive away the foreign invasion and sickness. The struggle between the two produces pain.
If someone hits you, of course you feel pain from that invasion. Pain motivates you do something to protect yourself.
Pain is necessary as a warning signal, or else the invasion will continue unabated and can destroy your body. Even a newborn baby feels pain whenever there is an imbalance within his body. A baby is sensitive to any abnormal situations.
In conclusion, we are the result of the act of creation, not evolution.
You and I are the fruit of harmony, not division or struggle.
Communists claim to have the ultimate truth and enforce its laws through violence and force. But it only analyzes the world in little bits and lacks the whole perspective.
In order to produce complete harmony, the universe needs to compose plus and minus elements with their intricate interactions forming all the beauty of the universe.
There is always give and take between plus and minus. In a big plus there are lots of smaller pluses and minuses.
Isn't this true even within the human body to the atom? A big minus includes lots of pluses and minuses as well. Each plus and minus unites, something greater is created.
We have spoken about all these levels of duality, but you too are also a dual existent being. Within you there is the internal and external, mind and body, right? If there is no harmony between the internal, spirit body and the external physical body, you feel the pain of conscience.
In order to create harmony, you need God.
Human efforts alone will never bring about unity to the world.
God brings you the power of life.
When He dwells with you, you will never lack energy. Thus, as the dwelling of God, you become a powerhouse, able to continue day and night without running out of energy for His will.
When you do your mission work or fundraise all day in the heat or the cold weather, there is a constant battle between your mind and body. You will feel fatigued and powerless once your mind and body are united.
God can dwell in you and you feel abundant energy and vitality.
Therefore, each individual is like a factory with all of the machines running and you don't have to worry about going on strike from overworking.
Some people of faith wonder what is wrong with a little drinking, smoking, or taking drugs.
Liquor, for example invades your body and upsets your balance with the ability to make you commit some mistake before God.
Once you achieve perfect harmony within you, liquor, cigarette and marijuana will not distract you from your course. But while you are in the process of growing, you tend to look in all direction and the wrong elements try to woo you to it.
Once you pay attention to them while you are spiritually immature, you will be drawn into their sphere.
Take another example: although there is no line between you and me, you feel some pulling power from me, don't you? I may try to chase you away, but you come right back, just like a rubber band! You may think about me day and night, and you feel good because of the invisible link pulling on you. That is the power of life. All living things orient themselves toward the power of life; plants, for example, grow toward the sunlight.
No one can replace Father.
His position cannot be appointed. It is the same with you. Can anyone replace your mate or loved one and swap them for someone else?
Certainly not.
We should not be satisfied with just doing well as an individual, you need a family. The family and its members are essential.
By uniting with them, you are able to enlarge yourself. In a way, family is your larger self. Your society and nation are still larger selves.
The world can be your larger self. Through unity, each person wants and becomes a greater and better being. Without this principle, the standards of value in society cannot be determined.
Home Church, witnessing to 360 homes in your area and caring for them, is the greatest contribution Father has given to the world. It is the base for becoming a larger self, transforming the individual into the greater world self.
According to the Principle, a perfect plus automatically brings forth a perfect minus.
If you make yourself the perfect minus, then perfect harmony will result.
God is the perfect plus of the universe.
If there is a negative force that tries to threaten that perfect pair, universal power will shatter it. If this is not true, then the law of the Principle, universal law is false.
If God is the perfect plus, then the rest of creation, the world, spirit world should be in the perfect minus position in relation to God.
Therefore, we become the perfect object. If the Messiah is the perfect minus to God, if the whole United States tries to harm him, the universal force will make it stop.
This is how the truth and philosophical conclusion must operate.
Father has seen proof of this statement:
"Representative Donald Fraser, with the overwhelming power of the US Congress behind him, came against me and our movement. I gave Bo Hi Pak instructions to go out fearlessly and fight. Knowing this truth, I took the position of a perfect minus and Bo Hi Pak was united with me. No power under the sun, not even the universal power, can shatter such a relationship.
Anything that tries to break the harmony between God and me will be repelled by universal power. History proves this.
Who was defeated in the battle with Congressman Fraser? Who was defeated in the battle with the Carter administration? Was I defeated? I ran a beautiful test of this theory-like a laboratory experiment- with Fraser and Carter and I proved that it works.
The same principle is behind my announcement of a rally in Moscow. Everybody said, "A Moscow rally? How could we?" But if this principle is true, the Moscow rally will become a reality when you unite with me and the absolute minus.
Yes or no? This is a logical theory and I am not acting blindly. There is logic and philosophy behind my actions. By following this principle, we will ultimately bring the universe and the world into unity(world peace). That is our ultimate goal."
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
We we talk about winning over the world, we are not speaking of physical means.
Winning over people with love and enveloping them with love is the goal. Father urges members to become bigger people and take greater challenges. You only win people through loving them.
Loving them more than their own family, giving them greater and deeper service. By loving and serving the world, you create a vacuum or a perfect minus from which to work.
High pressure is drawn to a vacuum, so when you become a perfect vacuum, God moves in. No power under the sun can stop Him from dwelling with you as His perfect object.
Please become like perfect, low pressure air. God is the world's ultimate high pressure air.
But there has never been corresponding low pressure air to be the dwelling place for God on earth.
If you become the lowest of all air pressures, practicing humility, you are a perfect minus. Then God's high pressure will flow into you and fill you.
This is a natural law and principle.
You are sent out daily to suffer and endure hardships as people of faith, not because God hates you, but so you can rid yourself of your fallen, sinful ways and become a perfect minus to God.
Opposing elements look for their perfect mate for the achievement of perfect harmony.
This universal repelling power was not created to destroy someone, but guide them into their complete harmony.
Universal power is not a destructive power. This is why we love our enemy. By loving the worst opposing force, you are actually guiding it into a greater harmony.
Return for Tomorrow's Post: Can We Build World Peace?
This post was rewritten and derived from the speech The Realm of Existence