Did the chicken or the egg come into being first? A debate easily begins from this simple question. This actually fits in with the post today. When one speaks about evolution, Darwinism, Creationism, Intelligent Design, it seems fitting to compare these theories to how an egg or chicken came into being.
Let's first look at the origin of the universe through the eyes of the Divine Principle.
Had Adam and Eve married with that genuine heart then their marriage would have been the marriage of God also. For example, the closer an object comes to your eyes, the less and less you see. Why? Because you are fusing into one with it.
Likewise, with God, you are already one with Him and so there is no need to see because you are no longer the object. When you were children did you ever taste the mucous from your nose? (Salty.) That means that you have tried it.
It does not seem dirty to you, because it is part of you and are totally one with it, not divided or separate. Do you feel the atmospheric pressure which is a tremendous weight? No, because we are one with it.
Do you know how many times you blink in one day? It blinks thousands of times, but you are not aware of it because you are one with it. If you try to count how many times you blink it might drive you crazy. It is important that we do not care about these small details as it is a part of us.
If you feel your left chest, you can feel your heartbeat. Are we conscious of how many times our heartbeats in a day? Even for a year, we do not notice our heart is beating. But if one other person touches even just a strand of your hair, you feel it. Then why can't we feel our heartbeat which is much stronger? We are one with our heartbeat. We are one with every aspect of ourselves.
God has all of the five senses and, like us, He does not feel them either. Just like us.
We all have love, life and lineage within us. We also have our conscience within us, don't we? Have we ever seen, heard or touched love and life? We may have seen a body filled with life, but we have not seen life itself. We cannot touch life either.
Can we see and touch our conscience? Even with our five senses we are unable to sense love, life and lineage. We cannot even see our own seed that goes to create a baby.
God is no different from us in this regard. Where is God?
This question also applies to love, life and lineage. We cannot see and feel them but, nevertheless, they all exist in a very real sense. God is part of us just as love, life and lineage are.
One can never experience love by one's self.
Even though love exists within us we are unable to feel it by our own selves. God is the origin of love and the root of the love, life and lineage within me.
This we cannot deny.
God is within the root of our conscience, life, love and lineage. When we expand the love, life and lineage within us, then God will come to the surface.
How do we do that?
We can experience love and life when we invest our whole selves for the sake of others in a completely selfless way. When we experience this total investment then we can come close to God. This is why all religions teach sacrifice, humility and giving to others.
Religion and science both place the origin of the universe in different ways. No matter what teaching denies it, the birth of the universe originated with God. He invested everything of Himself for the sake of His creation. The Big Bang Theory can be said to be God giving of Himself to all of creation. The universe began with God's total investment. For what did He invest everything?
God had one goal and that was to have a True Love partner: man and woman.
Reverend Sun Myung Moon has written several books about Evolution and Origin of the universe, here he speaks more on the wrong direction of this theory:
"God's partner of love is not a monkey. The evolution theory claims that we originate from monkeys. No matter how wonderful an amoeba might be, it cannot give rise to life that is in a higher form than itself. This is simply impossible unless somebody puts in additional power.
Do you think that the amoebae would be a more likely origin to creation, or the concept of plus and minus, male and female? (Plus and minus.) Even within the mineral kingdom there is the existence of motion. This implies that the plus and minus relationship is in existence; otherwise, motion cannot come into being.
And the amoebae came into being after that.
If there are 108 different kinds of elements, they cannot merge into one another. No matter how they may try, by themselves they simply cannot interact. Do you understand? Even the amoebae must have the plus and minus element within it.
Darwin tried to claim that an amoebae is neutral gender, but this is not so. For example, in the daytime there are both sunlight and shadow.
However, at high noon there is no shadow. It does not mean that shadow does not exist, it simply means that the shadow exists within a person's perimeter. In the same way, even though it may not be clearly visible within the amoebae as with other forms of creation, without the plus/minus concept, no living being exists.
Certainly without the plus and minus element they cannot fuse together and give rise to a third being.
There are forty-seven differences in construction between a monkey and a man. Suppose we find the most handsome monkey in the whole of the ape kingdom, and we find the ugliest woman in the world and then everybody prays for them to produce offspring.
Do you think that they will produce new offspring?
No. Absolutely, forever no. Whatever gave Darwin the idea that man came from the monkeys? Different species maybe, but how can monkeys give rise to man?
The same family of vegetable kingdom or animal kingdom can give rise to offspring. But if they are different species they cannot reproduce. When you are sleeping with your husband together do you want a third party to come and intervene between you? (No.) Absolutely not.
Male and female elements can horizontally connect very closely, but they can never rise up vertically. Vertically means they cannot elevate their status.
The greatest flaw in Darwinism is the idea that different species can give rise to human beings.
What he tries to do is to deny the element of love in giving rise to the human beings. This is the most devastating thing, because love is the origin of mankind, not monkeys. Just because monkeys bear a physical similarity to man does not mean that a monkey is a man.
In perspective they may appear somewhat similar, but never in essence." SMM
How big is the aspiration of human beings?
God must have an object partner in which to relate who He wants to be greater than He is. Since humans are God's object partner in love, He knew the need to give human beings limitless desire. We must recognize this strong desire to be greater within each of us, this is the action of conscience. Desire inherently is good.
"You can imagine your conscience as a large bag which you are able to put many things into. How big is your conscience bag? You can put God Himself into your conscience bag. Does that make your conscience bag full with no more room for anything else?
If your conscience bag becomes full, then you would like to put more in your other pockets. Once everything is absolutely full then you want to open your mouth and bring it in there. That much. No limit. Do you have that kind of greedy desire or not? (Yes, Father.)
There is no limit to your good greed. In Korean we say yokshim but there is no word that is equivalent in the English language. Greedy usually means something bad. But this means a good greed. Therefore you have to make up a word in English for this.
Such attributes of mankind began thousands of years ago when Adam and Eve were born. Do you think that during this time this has changed? (No.)
Scientists tell us that the universe is made up of energy.
Did energy suddenly arise without any prerequisite or is it generated? (Generated.) You have such immense love within you. Do you think that it suddenly rose up just like that?
In order for love to arise first your eyes have to meet the eyes of either your subject or object. Some kind of action occurs. Your five senses will further accelerate that action. It then explodes in the power of love. In order for power to occur is action necessary? (Yes.)
Before action occurs, first there has to be a subject and object in order for action to begin. Then action takes place and power occurs. The scientists say that before power there is action and prior to that there is an element of action, or subject and object.
The action of the conscience for example, means the conscience has to be touched off, as it were, or evoked. That means there is an action, which in turn means it must have a subject and object relationship. This is logical. Without this no action can take place.
Even if we may not have thought this way, we can now have it in our mind that subject and object has to be very much there before our conscience or our love is evoked. That is plus and minus centering upon God.
We cannot deny the existence of God when we observe the same trait from millions of years ago, flowing down in an unchanging way through mankind. It will eternally continue because there is a subject and object existing within the conscience. We therefore cannot deny that God is present there. Before we consider the theory of evolution, we understand the Principle of Creation.
We cannot deny or do away with God.
Within creation we can conclude that God must be present; within the subject and object relationship we can conclude that God must be present. Do you understand? That conscious action has been unchanging all throughout human history.
Therefore we cannot deny God. Looking at the root of love, life and lineage we also cannot deny God. [Father has drawn a diagram depicting all of this on the board.] Looking at this we cannot deny God.
Conscience is very much present, but we are not conscious of it all the time. God is the root of our conscience, our love, life and lineage. The philosophical concept of, "I think and so therefore I am" has given a great deal of confusion to mankind.
Did the Chicken or the Egg Come First?
We have eyes, [Father draws on the board] eyebrows, nose and mouth. (Laughter.) Before that eye came into being do you think the eye itself knew that there was an object for it to see? Do you think that eye knew that there would be air, sunlight, and dust? (Somebody knew.)
Not somebody, the eye itself?
The eye itself did not know these things. Why did the eye come into being? Eyes came into being in order to see things. Eyes are equipped to look at the sun. Even though the material eye is unaware, the creator behind that eye knows.
Is that true? (Yes.)
Did the somebody who knew come first or did the eye, not knowing, come first? (Somebody who knew.) That's right. Somebody knew that there would be dust and air and so the eyelashes were created, like a fine screen. Somebody knew that dust would exist. Also the eye is constantly bathed in liquid.
Therefore, somebody knew that there would be heat that would dry the eye and that it would need constant bathing in its own liquid. The eye did not know this.
Now we come to the solution of this age-old question: did the chicken come before the egg or vice versa? (Laughter.) Which came first, the entity or the concept? (Concept.) Concept came first. We also have eyebrows to prevent sweat rolling into our eyes.
Therefore it seems reasonable to conclude that somebody knew that there might be sweat on the face. Don't take everything for granted; every day when we wash our face let us give thanks to God. All the wondrous design of the human body God created. Remind yourself daily that God made everything with us and our comfort in mind.
With this evidence can we say that material came first? (No.) Why do you insist on denying it?
Because it is not true. How close is God to us? Knowing all of this we can see how close God is to each one of us.
God is the closest to each of us and that is why we don't feel Him. If we feel only thirty percent of love, life and lineage and our partner comes along with 100 percent of all of these, we naturally feel seventy percent lacking.
We should in fact not feel love until our subject or object appears. Until then we should be at zero point. Then 100 percent give and take can occur. We should not feel love when we are alone.
If God is alone He doesn't feel love. If man and woman are by themselves they also don't feel love. But when they meet each other, then suddenly God will jump like electricity because He feels 100 percent of love towards them.
Do you understand? (Yes.) With the sudden appearance of your spouse or your lover, then your heart pounds, you become short of breath and you perspire until you crash into one another. Thunder and lighting which involves water and electric current are symbolic of love between spouses. That's nature's love in action." SMM
Return for Tomorrow's Post: If Nature Protests to Serve
This Speech was rewritten and derived from the Let Us Find Our True Self
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