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Thursday, January 24, 2013

First Man & Woman Mistake Was Love

This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.  Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. 

Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there He put the man He had formed.  The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.  And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when  you eat from it you will certainly die."  The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him."

Genesis 2: 4, 7-8, 15

What do you think God's purpose was when He decided to create human beings?  For wealth?  For power to control another under His dominion?

God is the essence and source of true love.  The only way joy is felt in the heart is through the context of a relationship.  This means a being that is alone cannot experience the joy of love.

Noone knows how long God harbored alone before he decide to create the universe.

"Even God could not experience any stimulation as long as He existed all alone. Alone, He could not love. For His love to blossom, God needed objects to love. For this reason, God created human beings to be His children, partners in His true love."

God is the Father of all humankind, and we are God’s sons and daughters. In creating us, God invested everything -- the bone of His bone, the flesh of His flesh, and the marrow of His marrow.

When a couple become parents, they raise their children with the hope to reach the central point, the most exalted place where their loves and ideals unite.  By God being our parent and not our commander in chief or master per se, the omniscient and omnipotent God allowed us to grow into a position on par with Him and equal to Him in rank when we fulfill the purpose of creation.

How do we fulfill the purpose for God's creation?  How is it possible for God to need humans beings as co-creators to complete the ideal world? 

Beyond what God can do, there is the human element that is needed.  God created human beings with the ideal they would unite.  Thus, God does not reach complete perfection until his counterparts, man and woman reach perfection.

With this knowledge now at hand, you can imagine how much God yearned for the first ancestors Adam and Eve to reach maturity and unite as husband and wife completely centered on God.  Then they would become beings that reflected God's perfected image and be beings of infinite value. 

When Adam and Eve chose to follow the archangel's command to "eat" God lost His own true sons and daughters.  When the first ancestors of mankind fell, God could not establish a true family capable of creating deep bonds of true love, propagating a divine lineage centered on Him. 

Instead, Adam and Eve became false parents centered on the false parent, Lucifer.  They bore children and their family became engrafted to Satan's false love, false life, and false lineage bearing children of Satan's bloodline instead of God's holy lineage. 

This is where sin was born.  As a consequence, you and I and all of humanity after the fall of the first ancestors, suffer from a constant struggle between our godly mind and our satanic body or flesh.

"Adam and Eve fought constantly, and so did their children, resulting in murder. They did not become the exalted beings that God could relate to as His eternal son and daughter. God could not glorify them as the true ancestors and true parents of humanity. Yet with their fall, God lost the only son and daughter He had."

What happened between Adam and Eve that caused them to fall? Was it, as the Bible literally says, that they ate the "fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil"? Could merely eating a piece of fruit be the original sin?

Also, read any version of the bible and you will see that it never says, do not eat of the FRUIT tree but some other kind of tree. 

Even still could our ancestors’eating of a physical piece of fruit doom thousands of generations of their descendants to be sinners?


How do certain attributes get passed down from generation to generation?  Could something that is physical be passed on unceasingly from parent to child?  The root of sin continuously follows the laws of inheritance.  Sin was planted into the lineage of the first ancestors.  How does one pass on traits to their children?

The only way is through having sexual relations.  This is the only transgression that can have a lasting impact.  The misuse of love committed between two people of the opposite sex.

Eve committed adultery with the archangel Lucifer, and they became one. When Eve then joined with Adam, she bound him in that same oneness. Through this mistake, Adam and Eve had a conjugal relationship that was not centered on God, meaning their family was tied to Satan, the fallen archangel.  Thus, every human being that descend from the first ancestors inherited this same lineage of Satan nonstop. Thus creating a world of hell on earth.

"According to the Principle of Creation, love determines the right of ownership. In a relationship of love the partners possess a right of ownership with respect to each other. By this principle, Satan used his ties of illicit love to claim ownership over fallen human beings."

Jesus said, "You belong to your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire." John 8:44

These are pretty harsh words!  You're like your father and he is Satan himself?  This is because Eve had a sexual spiritual relationship with Satan and passed this sin through the blood relationship of her husband Adam.  Satan became the false father and ruler of humanity.  God is our True Father.

Christians believe God is some almighty king practicing happily on his throne giving out orders to His peasants and that He can do as he pleases and have everything His heart desires.  What God desires is to have his True Children back in His bosom. 

What parent, even an earthly father, would be happy over seeing their daughter raped by the servant, who kill His only son and bear grandchildren that He could never fully enjoy without a mediator?  In reality, God is in tremendous grief and wretchedness!

Looking at God's ideal of Creation for Adam and Eve to be perfected counterparts of His pure, essential love, you can see He experiences infinite sorrow and disappoint after they fell.  God lost everything!  He had to carry His grieving heart and cut a path of blood to pursue the path of restoration throughout history in order to restore His children.

There is nothing vague or ambiguous about God. He possesses a definite character. He desires to form a relationship of the highest true love with human beings. He desires to share with each of us the most exalted love and joy eternally. But God lost the starting point for this, due to the mistake of our first ancestors. The fall of Adam and Eve caused such damage.

God is the original True Parent, yet He was robbed of His rightful parental position. How heartbroken He is over this! God looks upon His fallen children, who inherited the lineage of the enemy Satan-children who refuse to even recognize that He exists. How excruciating must the pain in God’s heart be each and every moment, as He observes humanity’s wretched condition!

Just as any parent who has the infinite ideal of how joyful their children will be in the future, God wanted nothing more precious than to have flesh and blood counterparts to interact with His true love.  God would not have traded His beloved children for the entire universe. His sorrow upon losing them was as equal to what it would have been had He lost the entire creation. He felt that His entire purpose for creating the universe had collapsed.

During the time of creating the universe, God invested His love completely, yet He was robbed of His children and all of creation by His enemy-a thief in the night robbed God of His cosmic throne.  God kept the laws of the principle with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience which makes the result of His creation's disobedience even more devastating.

Even though God is Almighty, we have His characteristics: Emotion, will and intellect.  God has emotions.  What father could continue for thousands of years watching His children be born in a prison occupied by his enemy, watch His children be raped and murdered and detached from His lineage?  This has been God's situation and noone knew except the Messiah who had God's heart. 

Seeing the history of lamentation that befell the world following the Fall, the Book of Genesis says that God grieved in His heart.

The Apostle Paul said, "Creation groans, our ancestors groan, and all humanity groans, waiting in eager anticipation for the appearance of the sons and daughters of God." All creatures desire to escape this realm of lamentation.

God's innermost heart has been tortured and broken as He surveys human beings struggle.  We lead lives of which has little value in comparison to the glorious ideal God had planned for His absolute children and creation. 

God knows the value that was lost after the fall.  He cries out in agony saying, "You were supposed to be My children of my direct lineage possessing My absolute love, My life and My lineage.  You are supposed to be enjoying the fruits of the glory of the Kingdom of the Heaven on Earth.  My heart is in the deepest of pain to see you wearing the mask of the defeated struggling and lamentation until the end of your meaningless lives."

Do you think that God, omniscient and omnipotent, seated on His glorious throne, would say to His children, "Come on up here. I’m not going to leave this seat?" Or is it more likely that He would kick His throne out of the way and come down to where we are? 

Due to our disobedience, we have not only placed God in prison, but we have placed Him in our hell on earth.

People may wonder how is it possible for an almighty God that created the universe and humanity be pained by its very existence.  God has a heart and He cannot get over the shock of losing His beloved sons and daughters.  If God could have clapped His hands and automatically erased the fall and solved all of the world's problems on His own without any human effort, He would not have suffered all of these thousands of years while traveling a lonely path of the providence of restoration.

Photos courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Ideal True Husband and Wife

This post was taken rewritten from the speech: Filial Children Of God Are Patriots Who Strive To Liberate His Heart given by Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the author of the Divine Principle.

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