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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sex Education Focus on Purity

When you are nearing twenty, where do you take your clean and unstained pure love, carefully wrapped? To the altar of God, the place where Heaven will be most happy to receive it. Then you join with a man of pure love or a woman with pure love to become a holy husband and wife together.

—Sun Myung Moon

Those who have kept up with the post or are familiar with Unification Thought and the teachings of the Divine Principle, you will recognize a common underlining theme in each one.

Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon made it his life mission to speak about reversing the fallen history and what he had learned in his 90 years in search of the ultimate way to completely be rid of humanity's sinful fallen lineage.

In short, humanity's wrong turn began with the wrong use of love through the sexual organs and in his quest he found that to reverse this is through connecting our love to God and our sexual organs only between husband and wife.

For the next week, we will focus on this part of the teaching.

Many think that a pastor should not bring up the topic of sex, but God created sex to be abundant and enjoyed between a husband and wife.  Because sex education is not being taught in the home or in the church's, Satan has been teaching his ungodly way of sex.  It is time to reclaim this holy part of the body and return it to God.

Here Father Moon gives a speech on the topic:

"When children are young, the joy of their lives is in seeing their parents’ faces. Next comes the deep attachment they develop with their siblings and friends.

But as they begin to turn into young men and women, they become intensely fascinated with the other sex, and the longing for conjugal love rises in their hearts. This is the “urge to merge” with a mate and become more complete, the longing for oneness in heart and body with their life companion, to team up with a partner to impact the world in a greater way.

These developments are a direct call of the four realms of heart and are necessary to a life fulfilled in true love. Traditionally, parents and indeed their whole society guided young people along a clearly defined path to meet a mate and come into marriage.

Centuries ago in the West and presently in parts of the East, elders arranged marriages while youth were yet teenagers. In the modernized world not long ago, individuals dated to select their own mate for marriage. In either case, sexual love was expected to be reserved for marriage.  Presently, however, these ways have become all but lost.

Dating is no longer with the intent to marry, but simply to have fun and companionship.

In fact, there are few clear rules or guidelines to help steer couples to the altar. Sex has become an expression of casual interest with little connection to marriage.

It is indulged in at earlier and earlier ages; 16 is a common age to lose virginity in most Western countries. Parenthood is no longer related to marriage and the widespread use of contraceptives and abortion intends to sever sex from parenthood as well.

A “divorce culture” in which a high percentage of first marriages fail has broken young people’s confidence to marry and adult confidence to advocate it. This plus the lack of stigma attached to sex outside of marriage has led to the widespread practice of couples living together before or in place of marrying.

Perhaps to an unprecedented degree, a multitude of powerful forces conspire against young people keeping the tradition of giving their bodies and souls to one person for life. Yet this remains the standard imprinted in the heart and conscience by the Creator.

For what reason do we marry? It is in order to realize the purpose of [human] creation.”

Nothing else can satisfy individuals’ yearning to live a life of honor and significance, to be loved unconditionally and to give their children the security of their parents’ enduring unity.

Desirable and Attainable?

To conform to this norm requires youth and single people to believe in the value and viability of both purity and marriage. Just as importantly, they need to believe in their own capability to be successful in each enterprise.

On one hand, they need to be sold on the beauty of reserving sex for marriage. One young woman sums up her sense of this when she writes, “It is sexuality dedicated to hope, to the future, to marital love, to children, and to God.”

At the same time, confidence that they personally can practice it is essential. This is not easy in many societies given the dearth of role models to look up to.

On the other hand, the idea of saving sex for marriage only has meaning if they view matrimony as desirable. More pointedly, they must see it as an attainable goal for themselves. When so many in society model marital failure, it is common to find individuals who doubt they can succeed in marriage:

“I want to be married, but most people I know have divorced or given up on it. I don’t know how I could do better.” In such cases, they may well decide to give up their chastity and dreams of marriage for a live-in lover, the closest thing to marital  commitment they believe they can achieve.

For these reasons, helping young and single people to be responsible regarding their sexual desires and to achieve the life purpose of marriage requires support for both goals. This support may encompass many facets—from basic relationship insights and skills to inner qualities and the lessons gleaned from family relationships to considering practical issues of when and how to meet a potential mate.

Education for Character, Abstinence and Marriage Preparation 

Guiding young people into matrimony and safeguarding their chastity is a multi-faceted endeavor involving many overt and subtle contributions from the family and community.

The disruption of traditional culture in the developed countries has left in many cases a profound vacuum that leaves adolescents and young adults with an unprecedented lack of assistance in this critical task. Families and societies have adapted in some measure to meet the need.

The most noticeable developments have been the rise of education for character, sexual abstinence and more recently, the emergence of marriage and relationship education.

Character education has been a rising trend in many societies.  Whether in elementary school or at the university, whether in a secular or parochial setting, intentional character education aims to bolster the moral development of students and foster emotional and social learning.

Methods include bringing out the ethical dimensions of classroom instruction, creating a more caring school community, conducting service learning projects and utilizing cooperative learning techniques.

Many view character education as a socializing influence that promotes better interpersonal relationships, including those between the sexes.

Formal education about sexuality has been a growing trend worldwide, especially with the proliferation of sexually transmitted infections. 

Much of this, however, is focused on control of the physical consequences of sexual relations, not primarily the support of purity. In response, what is called abstinence education has emerged.

Whether offered in a secular or faith-based setting, this is formal, research-based instruction characterized by an emphasis on reserving physical intimacy for marriage. Nations as diverse as the United States, Uganda and India have supported this effort with government funding.

The last thirty years has witnessed an explosion of scientific understanding about what makes marriages succeed and fail. This has been translated into programs imparting certain knowledge and skills that are supplementing the traditional premarital guidance offered in faith and family settings to great effect.

For instance, in cities where judges and clergy agree to conduct marriages only for couples who have received premarital education and counseling, divorce rates have dropped dramatically.

They are also increasingly being offered in schools and other contexts. In the United States, several states and cities have mandated marriage education for all high school students, and such courses for personal enrichment are increasingly common on college campuses. The hallmark of such programs is training in better communication skills and greater facility in dealing with conflict

Complementary Education

The three kinds of education are naturally complementary and interdependent. The most effective abstinence programs incorporate marriage and relationship education, just as the most comprehensive relationship education cautions against physical intimacy outside of the context of commitment. This burgeoning formal instruction in the understanding and skills needed for sexual abstinence and marriage preparation is of great value.

Three Facets of Marriage Preparation

Yet for Reverend Moon, there are other components of chastity and marriage support that are equally if not more important. We may consider the great religious traditions and their appeal to and cultivation of personal character. There are also the lessons gained and the wholesome influence of personal relationships with elders, youngers and peers. This is where character education has an important role to play.

Finally there is the question of the age of entering into marriage and parentally involved mate selection; these represent yet another facet of depth and power. If these various facets can be likened to

Parental Involvement in Mate Selection
Right Age of Marriage

Olympic medals, knowledge and techniques alone represent the bronze medal level. This combined with character and family relationships compares to the silver medal status. If parentally involved mate selection and right marital timing are added, this represents the highest, gold medal level

Return for Tomorrow's Post: 7 Days of Holy Sex Day 1: Significance of Sex

This text was rewritten and derived from the Textbook: True Love, Chapter "Purity and Preparation for Marriage"

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Age of Godism

Surely when we look through the history books, we must evaluate that even though Democracy is the closest political stance standing on God's side in comparison to communism, it still has never been able to solve all of the social problems of the world.  Communism has proclaimed salvation, peace and happiness through orders and materials.

Left or right wing still have never been able to bring true peace to the nation or solve the juvenile problems and religion has only been able to cause more separation among its members not finding unity and peace within its confines.

God never created the world to have such divisions or even religion.  Humanity was to already know and converse with God on a substantial level without the idea of a fallen blood lineage.  Therefore, religions only purpose is to bring God's ideals and practices to His children to restore the world to its original idea before the fall.

Therefore, we are headed not for more political barriers, but the idea of Godism and love.

The Era of Godism

Let's examine what religion truly teaches.

It teaches discipline and control of our fallen desires through fasting, abstaining from fallen sex and to serve and sacrifice.  These are things that no one wants to do and seems unnatural to fight these urges.

Why does each religion focus on these attributes?  Because the founders of these religions understood that satan influenced us to center on our own thinking and not God's way of life.

The only way for arrogant people to become Godly people is through sacrifice and serving others.  Religion also teaches us to make ourselves as an offering to God.  This means to make a condition in which we divide our-self  one side representing good and the other evil.  The body does not want to do anything that does not allow it to be comfortable.

However, the mind is willing to go that way of sacrifice for the sake of heaven. 

Then the mind rises up higher and higher towards heaven in the spiritual world.

Once the mind goes toward the heavenly way, it will rise higher and higher toward heaven in the spiritual world.  We are living in the age where our conscience is being liberated.  The conscientious people will rise in power around the world, because they will be connected to God's love and will receive God's grace, power and opportunity.

Adam and Eve were to be the first perfected parents bearing God's direct lineage without the trace of sin.  We have entered the era of True Parents which embody the true lineage of God.

Humanity lost their parents in the beginning and to return to God we absolutely need True Parents.  Jesus came to be a True Parent and reverse the mistake of Adam and Eve in his time, but went the way of the cross when no one could ultimately follow him and understand the fullness of his teachings.

Why are True Parents so absolutely necessary? Because they help us to cut the ties with evil and to embrace all the individuals and families of Godly attributes. Also to embrace all the tribes and nations of the world and have them belong to God, True Parents are necessary.

When every family follows True Parent's family's ideal, they will become ideal families.  If God is a good God would He have created a hell for His children?  God intended for all of His children to go to heaven as families.  We must live our lives centering upon True Parents' family for the first time in human history.  Your life becomes an offering.

Suppose Father requests you, as an offering, to go to poor suffering Africa. Then you should invite the poor people of Africa to come and live in this affluent nation of America and inherit it from you. That is an offering.

Love is the entity that flows, just like air and water. If they stagnate they become rotten. 

Does the high pressure follow the low pressure or vice versa? (High goes to low.) How about air and water? Same direction.  In the same way love follows this same principle.

If we are to look at the world as a whole, we can say that it is stagnant.  The affluent nations demand to stay on the top level while the poorer nations remain poor.  Air flows freely as love so who created this distinction in class?  The ideal of living for oneself, a self-centered concept caused this stagnation.  This thinking centers on Satan.

Wealth must flow down to the low just as high water flows down.  When we see this happen, the "world problems" will cease to exist.  Does this sound like a solution or not? All problems began in humanity when individualism came into being.  America is the king of individualism and God has nothing to do with individual thinking.  It will all fall down in the Last Days prophesied in Revelations.

Air flows through even the smallest crevice, as does water. Then so should love. Wherever love is needed then there it should seep in. If True Love wants to seep into your mind do you resist or welcome it?

We must find our True Self, our original minds that are linked to God.  How far have we deviated from our true self?

Our mind represents heaven and our body represents hell. 

This is why every religion teaches to dominate the body with the god-like mind.  It is our purpose in life to dominate our bodily, fleshly desires and liberate the conscience.  Just believing in religious text and attending sermons does not qualify one to go to heaven.  When every human lives together harmoniously, religion would have fulfilled its purpose and will no longer be needed.

At the fall we lost everything and the sad point is, we don't even know what we have lost.

Satan Loves Separatism

When God created the world, did He create borderlines between nations or different denominations in religions?  God did not create this division, man did.  We are living in hell on earth where there is no true everlasting peace.  So we must go the opposite way of this individualistic world.  Which way is this, it is the whole, the public way of living.

What determines if a person is good?  A good person is a public person and a bad person is an individualistic person.  We need to know this definition clearly.  In this age where conscience is being liberated.  Those who have been born with a good brain have come to rule the world, but at the beginning, we were ruled by Godism.

At the beginning God was at the center and during medieval times, man became the center.  As we live in the Last Days, we see that materialism and individualism has become central.  During the medieval dark ages, God was part of their world, but there was great confusion where the cause and the result was.  People just blindly followed God and this blindness eventually led to corruption.  We are living in the time where man has become central rather than God.

Father explains very clearly who and what God is and Godism is no longer unclear. We know now, for the first time in history, clearly about God. We understand very clearly today man's relationship with God.

People came to realize that no matter how great a man became, there was a limit to his power as they would die after 100 years at the most.  We lived during an age of materialism and science which denies God and the human spirit.  We are currently back to Godism again.  This time is different than any other time before in human history.

That is the headwing thought.  We have left wing and right wing, but we are leading toward the headwing thought when the two come together.

As well as Godism, we also uphold humanism.  God originally created human beings' mind and body to b connected directly to Him and the things of creation.  Therefore, human beings are the central connection of the entire universe.  Adam, Jesus and the Lord of the Second Advent all come into one unified realms of Parents.

From Adam's time to Jesus' time and the time of the Second Advent, all connect with God [indicating to the board]. Centering upon Parents, the right and left wing bring into unity and bring God and humanity back into oneness. Godism is the vertical viewpoint and headwing is the horizontal viewpoint centering upon True Parents.

From Godism to humanism to materialism, now all are brought into unity. Godism represents the brain, humanism the power, and materialism the body. At this time Satan works to have people believe that God is dead. Now humanity may return to God and Satan is very afraid and so he is trying to proclaim that God does not exist.

Satan tries everything he can to separate people from understanding the concept that humanity can be restored back to their original sinless condition in which God created Adam and Eve.  We have gardnered the concept in society that bad people do well in gaining material wealth whereas good people are always at the bottom.  We should be grateful to be living in the time of liberation where good people will gain God's power and help.

We are living in the time where people of conscience will rise up and turn this world right side up.  We prepare for this season by uniting our mind and body and prepare for this day.  The Fall caused our mind and body to struggle for domination, between husband and wife and the conflict among children.  The right and nations.  Individualism brought about these conflicts.

When the Christian culture that represents the bride unifies the right and left wing then the Lord of the Second Advent arrives.  Such a world will bring unity between husband and wife and the process will be multiplied from individual liberation to the world.

Once spouses unify centering on True Parents, this will restore the family.  Then the individual will be restored and enter into heaven. Unless our mind and body become one, and unless our family become united and we become one with the True Parents we become families who can represent the whole world.

Each family will represent the world, just as Adam's family did.  Just as one man brought about the fall which spread to the whole human society, the family can go in the opposite direction and save the world.  We have come into a culture where good people are welcomed anywhere by anyone.

This did not come about automatically.  Throughout history, God poured His very being into the restoration of His ideal and for His children to return.  We must ask ourselves in our daily action are we going in this direction to unite with God?  this is the natural human desire of the original mind to go this way.

Don't all women have the desire to marry the greatest man on earth?  Not to the second greatest, but to the greatest man in all of history, but this man would disappear after one generation from earth.

Throughout the past, present and in the future who would be the greatest of all?  God. Jesus was great in his time but left the earth with his mission incomplete to return through the Second Coming.  The returned messiah would be qualified as the greatest man on earth.

"How do you distinguish man from a woman or woman from a man? Through the physical characteristics. One is indented and one is protruded. Do you think that God has the physical characteristics of man? Does He or does He not? He is your own Father. (Yes.) You know more than me."

All women must become wives of God.  What will you need to qualify as God's wife?  Women already possess it within themselves.  They will need True Love.  If God was able to connect directly to Adam and Eve instead of them connecting to satan's ideas, He would have dwelled in their three children in an equal way without any amount of sin.

Even though the generation may be different, the fruit is the same. First, second, third generation -- it does not matter. God dwells within each fruit in each generation. God dwells within all of His children in the same way.

The value of the fruit is the same. No matter how many millions of years may pass, the fruit will always be of the same value. This grand pattern God created, guarantees that all of the descendants would have passed into the Kingdom of Heaven no matter how many generation the same as their True Parents.

God created everyone the same and each generation has the same value in God's sight. Adam and Eve naturally represented the entire world, even though they were individuals. Our marriage is not just one among five billion. Rather, each couple represents the whole world.

We each represent couples like Adam and Eve.  We are on the same level representing  the whole itself, not a fraction of the whole.  What does this mean?  That every child bears the same value as Adam and Even themselves.

When a husband and wife come together to pledge before God to marry representing God Himself this i our marriage.  Our marriage represents the whole world.  When Adam and Eve were perfected, married centered on God they would have followed this absolute pattern of goodness.  We would be living our lives centered on Godism throughout the world.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Sex Education Focus on Purity

This Post was rewritten and taken from the speech Let Us Find Our True Self.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Three Stages of Judgement

"I humbly ask you to be the poor in spirit; I ask you to be the meek, and I ask you to become those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Then we will all see the Kingdom of Heaven, and we shall all be satisfied. Now let us begin."

Christians, and Christianity itself, have a final hill to cross.

The Bible prophesize about the end of the world and that we must face judgement of fire on the great and terrible day of the Lord.  On this day, we are to see many great phenomena as the end comes near.  Jesus promised the people that he was to return at this time.

Since the day Jesus ascended into heaven, Christians have been watching for his return to earth.  To this day, Christians are becoming tired of waiting for this extraordinary event to occur.  Some have decided that this even will not happen literally as they wait for this event to possibly clear away all the problems in the world automatically.  They came to think, "This is just one of God's methods to keep us alert and faithful."

Other religions also have predicted their own version of the end of the world.  Yet, no one can clearly define what this end of the world is going to be.  Each makes their own determination based on the denomination and religion they practiced.  There should be a universal understanding of this time when the Lord will reappear and bring his fire of judgement upon the earth.

God never created this world with the intentions to destroy it for any reason, but intended for the world of goodness to last forever.  How can we profess God is an almighty God, but then say this God will bring down a judgement upon his own children and destroy those who do not follow him and the earth He created?    He definitely did not create it to be weak enough to be destroyed by an archangel.

What is meant by 'the end of the world' in the bible is the end of the evil, satanic soverenignity which satan began.  God intended for a world of goodness to be established and remain forever, not evil.  His children became creatures of evil.  This is

Beginning of Judgement by Fire

Adam and Eve fell in the garden of Eden. They were not at that time in a position to have a full understanding of the will of God. 

In the beginning, God created everything and after creating woman, He said it was good.  Sin did not exist at this time.

God had instructed Adam and Eve to not eat of the fruit, which symbolized the sexual organs.  The WORD has been referred to many times in the Bible as fire.  This is the fire, the word, which Jesus is to bring upon his return in our time. The judgement of fire is God's word.  Adam and Eve were confronted with two opposite words.

The first was from God.  Obedience to God's word would have brought about a good world based on Adam and Eve's good family connected directly to God's lineage without any trace of sin.The other was from Lucifer who told them to eat so their eyes will be open and they could become their own god which brought about the fallen evil world.  When Adam and Eve were confused, they made the wrong choice.   God's good world ended at that moment they connected their sexual organs without God's consent.

Our first parents sowed seeds of evil.  Adam and Eve were to grow into maturity and then be blessed directly by marriage to God, yet satan stole them before their maturity and made an evil harvest.

We must become very clear about this so we ourselves will not repeat the fall in our own lives and return in the right direction.

The last days, the sheep and the goat will be separated.  The difference between these two animals are clear.  The sheep recognize they have a master and follow while the goat do not follow the shepherd.

Today the world is divided into two major camps: the democratic world which says, "There is a God' and the communist world which says "God does not exist".  In this time there is open immorality where unchaste love runs rampant.  Satan uses love as a weapon.

One must be equipped with a greater, more righteous love in order to conquer Satan.

Satan is always trying to trick people with cheap love. But heavenly love is beautiful and constructive in its sacrificial giving. Satan's love is unreliable and will last only a short time, but heavenly love is eternally unchanging.

Father Moon main core teaching is on how the misuse of love brought about this evil world.  He speaks deeply about it:

"America is facing the last days right now and we can see two extremes of love in this country: the carnal, dirty love of free sex and the deep rooted, heavenly love now being proclaimed by righteous people. Secular love and heavenly love are confronting each other here in America. As the scope of satanic love becomes greater there will be more destruction. Families will break up; people will become corrupted; life will become
miserable, and more people will commit suicide. But as heavenly love expands, our lives become richer.

There is a line of judgement separating these two worlds of love, and you must stand on either one side or the other. You can not be in both.

The last days is the time for dividing good and evil, which are becoming steadily more confused. Even the most faithful believer in Jesus or the most righteous church on earth cannot proclaim proudly that they are absolutely separated from Satan and sin and that they are following Jesus exactly as he would have them do.

No one can say they are living in perfect love in an ideal world with no suffering and tears. No church and no Christian could say such a thing.

This means that Satan exists within the churches as everywhere else; also, there is sin there as in the rest of the world. If this is true and if what church people love and hate is no different from what the rest of the world loves and hates, then there is very little difference between the world and the church. Which would Satan find more pleasure in the church or the world?

Satan likes the sins of the church more, because based upon them he can protest to God, "Look at those people in the church -- they don't love others; they even hate others! They are not faithful, either. This must be my church."

If the churches remain this way, they will decline into nothing at the time of the last days, along with the evil, secular world. This is the way of God; He will judge such churches before the judgement of the rest of society.

What really surprised me when I first came to America was the way Americans used the names of Jesus Christ and God as an exclamation -- not to praise them, but to put them in the worst position. I wondered what people meant when they said, "Jesus Christ!" and I realized that they were describing something bad.

What led to this kind of custom? What do the best words imaginable have to do with the worst things that can happen to people?

Have you sometimes observed that certain Christians may be worse than people of the secular world? Those who claim they believe in God may actually be worse than those who don't -- they are more egotistical, less loving and giving, etc.

The American nation is founded upon Judeo-Christian principles, yet Americans have become very individualistic. Was Jesus an individualistic person?

How did Americans come to be so egotistical and individualistic when Jesus had nothing of a self-centered nature? We can come to the simple conclusion that if people really believed in Jesus they would not have become like that.

Instead of believing in Jesus for Jesus' sake and for God's sake, some people believe in him for their own benefit. In other words, they use Jesus and God for their own sake. What do you think about this?"

Then, what does the end of the world mean? 

"Just what is going to end? Evil is going to end. God will put an end to all evil. Out of God's new beginning will come a new opportunity for the human race. And the goodness God intended in His original ideal can be made real.

What will Jesus do when he comes? Will he come to wipe out the world?

The word "judgement" is frequently misunderstood to mean that God will wipe out everything in anger. Wrong.  That is not the purpose of the Messiah's coming. The whole purpose is to fulfill the ideal that was left undone in the garden of Eden, to work for individual, family, social, national and world perfection. Judgement is the constructive work of God to see the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God here on earth.

In the garden of Eden Adam and Eve fell into evil instead of developing their goodness. They was subjugated by Satan and became the children of sin.

Therefore the Bible says, "You are of your father the devil". John 8:44

If the fall had not occurred, then the true ruler would be God. But He is not today the King of this universe, because Satan is sitting upon God's throne. God has to remove all results of the human fall before He can truly reign over the world.

Now, the end of the world is the moment in history when God ends this history of evil and begins His new age. It is the crossroads of the old history of evil and the new history of good."SMM

Three Stages of Judgement

In the Principle, there are three stages of judgment: judgment of the truth, judgment of character, and judgment of heart, because the fall violated these three things.

To teach this way of restoring the world back to its original position we must first teach ourselves.  The parents should first practice and then teach first.  We should be teachers of the Principle and not be caught BY the Principle.  We must become the embodiment of the Principle teaching.

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your own pleasures.

You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God?  

Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us?  

But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:
“God opposes the proud
    but shows favor to the humble.”

 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil,and he will flee from you.Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.  Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

James 4:3-10

In order to  go through the restoration process of going fully back to God, we each must have a face-to-face battle with satan.  If we do not make a condition of indemnity to pay back the wrongs of the past, the satan will pull and say, "it is mine".  We must establish a foundation of faith and put His words into action in order to go back to God.

Because we were born with Satan's blood, we must take out our blood and throw it away. 

Religion teaches us to fast, to hit the body, do whatever it takes to bring the body into submission. and conquer it.  Satan uses the body to do his evil while God dwells in our mind.  Jesus' body was hit for our in.  Yet, he has returned to bring the word to bring humanity to complete salvation of the body, not just the spirit.

Then what did Jesus leave for us? He gave us his blood and flesh. You must become the person who represents Jesus.

In the past, when the followers of Jesus were praying to meet Jesus, they had to make effort for at least seven years, day and night.

Without doing that, they couldn't meet Jesus. However, in these days if you make effort for seven days, you can meet the Teacher. No matter what the problem may be, if you make effort for seven days with fasting,

The road that we walk based on the teachings of the Completed Testament, we must understand how har of a road, how much blood was shed to bring this truth to the earth.  Jesus had the knowledge o f the Completed Testament, but because his disciples could not understand the time of their visitation and could not understand the teachings of Jesus, he had to return to give it to the people of our time.

We must ultimately follow God through this course of indemnity, but not centered on ourselves.  We should raise our standard by doing fasting, prayer and conditions to separate us from the temptations of satan.

Among you, those who have finished 7-day fast, raise your hands. To those who did not experience one week fasting, you do not know the feeling on the seventh day, thirty minutes before midnight.

By experiencing a fasting condition, one can become connected closer to God and experience part of his suffering on the road to bring restoration to the world.  If we truly want to believe in the cross, we must substantially walk the road of the cross and  turn God's will and words into their daily actions.

Those who do not know the heart of God must stand as the incarnation of God.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: The Age of Godism

This post was rewritten and derived from the Judgement by Words and also from the Textbook Blessing and Ideal Family section "The Indemnity Condition for Receiving the Blessing"

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Restoring Fallen History

"If you know the will of God more and more, you realize your physical body is being made dirty through Satan and you feel like burning that which has the filthy blood of Satan flowing through it. 
You feel like throwing away your hands and feet and your whole body, which is used by Satan. If you think you want to preserve yourself as you are, stained by Satan, you are being stupid. 

Have you ever had that experience? Since we cannot remain dead, we need the conditions to eliminate our past relating with Satan."

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Fallen people were not born from God-centered parents in the direct blood lineage of God. Therefore, our birth must be denied, and we must make a new relationship with God.  In other words, because we were born from the fallen dead world, in order to return to life centering on God, we must be resurrected. We need to be born again. But being born is not the conclusion; we then must go through the growth period.

In order to pass through that, the indemnity condition(pay for a wrong done) must be established. You can think of it in a way as 'the sins of the father are visited upon the children'.

For instance, the Principle teaches us that when a wrong is done to someone and they cannot forgive, when they die, they may visit that person in spirit or their descendants and take revenge from the spirit world.  This can be caused through diseases or broken marriages.  Indemnity is when someone makes a condition whether equal or greater to pay back the mistake of the original ancestor.

The greatest indemnity paid in history was through Jesus Christ suffering and shedding his pure blood to pay for our fallen blood. In making the indemnity condition, not only the individual's responsibility but also the national mission and world mission together are included. You must know that what you did concerning this responsibility determines what happens with your Blessing.

Father Moon has taught the true way to make an indemnity condition or pay back what has been wronged in history.  For instance, if there had been a person that could have thinking more on the worldwide level and indemnified Japan's history, the world could have been unified through Japan.

The Bible states:

What good is it if you gain the whole world and lose your very soul?

Life is this precious.

We must know the true method for an indemnity condition, which results in your own precious life.  This is the way for salvation - through paying indemnity.   Indemnity means you climb through the path by which the fall of humanity happened. Then go the opposite way.

Father Moon, the messiah of the Second Coming, has established all of the historical indemnity conditions and won victory.  Now, it should not be a problem when satan attacks good people as he has been throughout all of history until now.  We must be determined to stand fast against these attacks with the methods like Stalin liquidating religious people, we should use satan's attacks against him.

Perfection does not happen automatically but is established through indemnity.

Indemnity was not needed in the original ideal of creation.  Adam and Eve were born in the most perfect conditions for growth toward God as the center.  Indemnity was only necessary after their mistake.

Were Adam and Eve ever perfected?

We know that Adam and Eve were not born perfect for one simple reason: they fell away from God.  If Adam and Eve were born perfect yet were still able to make a grave mistake such as linking to Satan's ideals instead of God's ideal, then the whole ideal of God's creation and perfection would not in itself be perfect.

You and I were not born into ideal situations or conditions, but born through a fallen blood lineage linked to satan.  Therefore, you and I cannot be perfected without making an indemnity conditions first.  This is how we obtain self-perfection.  Those who did not go over the hills of indemnity and reversing the fall within ourselves absolutely have no way to be perfected.

Religious practices before the Second Coming make a condition to link us to God through the Messiah and to be saved spiritually, but this is not perfection and our blood line is still linked to Satan.

When we pay indemnity in order to perfect back to our original sinless selves to God's side, we can call this restoration.  Therefore, we can never separate these two words: indemnity and restoration.

Centering on perfection, reach perfection through the course of restoration through indemnity. After indemnity, then restoration. After being restored, then go the way of perfection. Therefore, you can think of indemnity and restoration as one.

The Indemnity Condition Has to Be Established By Myself

This is Rev. Moon's explanation of why humanity must go the way indemnity:

"What result came about due to the human fall? God and the angelic world were chased out of the human world, and we lost the world of all things. Next, the individual base, family base, clan, tribe, nation and world foundations were all lost.

The word "lost" means that Adam and Eve themselves chased them out. Who has the responsibility for that? That responsibility isn't God's, it is not the angelic world's nor the creation's; it is the human responsibility.

This result was the human responsibility. Therefore, human beings must take the responsibility and assume the destiny to go the course of restoration. However, the course of restoration cannot be traversed by oneself.  Absolutely, you must go through the re-creational principle with the help of the spirit world.

It cannot be otherwise, because it is the principle of salvation that God and the spirit world mobilize for recreation. Before God created human beings, He created the angelic world. With the help of the angels, He created all things and through all things as material, He created human beings.

Because the fall was committed by human beings, restoration through indemnity must be done by human beings.

The Principle is that the one who committed the sin should indemnify it. 

Since the parents became fallen parents, unless the True Parents come and indemnify this humanity cannot go back to God. The one who can solve these things is the True Parent. The value of the True Parents is not comparable to ten million dollars or even billions of lives.

That is why, when you've found the True Parents, you should be able to say, "I'll follow with my life." Jesus said, "Those who want to live will die and those who want to die will live," because that describes the way, the beginning point of restoration through indemnity.

Indemnity conditions must be established by your own self. Another person cannot substitute for you. The fall means the loss of the authority of subjectivity. In restoration, no matter who interferes, you must be confident of yourself and go with the clear subjectivity.

No matter where others are going, I must be busy going my way. At night, there is no time to sleep, there is no time to find a place to sit comfortably and eat a meal. Without having a heart this serious, you cannot go the way of restoration." SMM

To Eliminate The Satanic Sovereignty

If you want to find complete salvation, you must liquidate your own sin and your past. Now through your activities you must clean up the sins you've committed. In order to eliminate sin, you must not do things against the Principle.

Christianity teaches that Jesus has paid the highest price for our sins.  This is correct, but where we make a mistake is believing that just by believing in the blood that all our mistakes are cleared.  Our past is forgiven as a condition to link us to God through Jesus, yet we still bore children of sin.  The work of restoring our fallen blood lineage is ultimately up to us.  If it was easy to clean sin 100%, God would have liquidated sin from the beginning when Adam and Eve followed satan's will.

What is Sin? 

It is when you allow a condition for Satan to invade and attack.  We must clearly know the root of sin.  Evil is Satan himself and Eve set a condition for him to attack with the beginning thought, "Let me be the subject, let me be the center".

We liquidate evil when we reverse the fall and go in the opposite direction toward God's original principle of creation which thinks "Live for the other (spouse)".  "Live for only myself" is satanic human and fallen nature. In order to avoid falling into this self-centered thinking, we must clearly know the origin of good and evil.  God and Jesus want to break this evil thinking down.  This is why Jesus' basic teaching was to not be arrogant, live for others and serve others.

This is God's way of thinking.

Humanity fell away due to the fall based on thinking of oneself without God as the center.  In order to go back toward the original Principle way of life before the fall and become one with the principle of creation, we must go through the course of re-creation.

The fall occurred between Adam and Eve when one was motivated by thinking the other person exists to invest in me instead of thinking I exist to invest in others.  In order to invests, we must do away with ego and do the opposite of the fallen world.  This is why religion teaches to sacrifice yourself for others.

After the fall of Adam and Eve, what kind of illness did the human race contract?

Centering on Satan, we got the sickness of love, and through the sickness of love, the blood lineage of Satan has multiplied. 

In other words, the illness is received from Satan's blood and is born in Satan's direct children. But how did that love sickness start?

When God's order and the heavenly principle was denied when one centered their actions on their own thinking, the sickness of the fall was born.  Therefore, in order to heal this love sickness that has infested across the world, we must deny ourselves and live absolutely centering on God.

If Lucifer, Adam and Eve had centered their whole life centered on God, there is no way they would have gone in their own direction away from God. and they would have established the ideal world.  This would be Heaven on Earth - a place where everyone's life attends and makes a direct relationship of love through God.  God has been striving throughout history to straighten out this mistake.  When you or I are proud about our fallen, sinful self we cannot hope to change toward God's direction.

When we are faced with difficulty while we walk the way of restoration we may think, "This is too hard and I cannot do this".  This is not heavenly God-centered thinking, this is thinking centered on one self.  In order to get away from this self-centered thinking we must have a God-centered sovereignty.  When we walk this path with a complaining heart or deny the work of God's will then our work becomes unqualified.  One who walks the path complaining will eventually give up and claim the work he does for God as his own doing.

Walking the way of faith is difficult so we must think:

God is in front of me, my friends are beside me and my brothers and sisters are there.  We must also think that the fate of humankind's future remains in front of us.

To continue going through the toughest of times in our life of faith, we must think that "I would give up my life to keep going". Isn't this the kind of thinking which all the saints had in history?

When we have this kind of thinking, our self-centered thinking will fall away.  When we go the opposite of me-centered thinking, we can overcome the fallen sovereignty.  We must remember that the most difficult times mean we are kicking out the most difficult fallen sovereignty and getting closer to the day of liberation!

Determine to Go the Opposite Direction of the Fall

Originally, the fall brought us into a place of death. In order to salvage this, you must run into the place of death. No matter what, we all have to go through that fate, so you must do it with a joyful heart as a real man and woman.

Like that, make the determination; the members will increase as they go according to the will of God, and the world will go in a new direction. Our heart must be burning to establish that mother-baby desperation. In your heart, do you have the faith to go beyond the limit of life and death?

We must make the determination with a burning in our hearts and desperation a mother has for her baby to go beyond the limits of life and death.  In order to bring the teachings of the Divine Principle, the Completed Testament to the earth, Father Moon had to fight dozens, hundreds, many tens of thousands of life and death situations.  Even though these situations come like waves, he has never wavered from his goal.

"Even if my legs are broken or my eyes are popped out or my neck is being cut, I do not change from the beginning point of determination. Therefore, I'm victorious as long as I'm alive."

How do we get out of this love of the fallen, satanic sovereignty that plagues the world and this fallen blood lineage?

We must remember, that whenever we think about only ourselves and love ourselves only, satan can take us away.  When we do the opposite and deny myself and think centered on God, by living this way, satan cannot follow or manage me and thus God abides in me and manages me.  When we go in this direction, we can be liberated from the archangel in the satanic world.

When we speak about restoring the world we must see that it will not be accomplished all at once but stage by stage.  Many people of faith are waiting for Jesus to return to destroy this fallen world and take away only the people of faith to live eternally with him in the clouds.

This is thinking not following the ideal of the principle of creation, it also means that satan has won and God is an imperfect God whose principle was so defeated that He destroyed his own creation.

This will not happen.

Adam was the center of the whole.  Because he fell from the individual position representing all of humanity, he must restore the world.

Once the individual position is restored then the family environment, and clan, tribe, nation and world and the cosmic environments must be restored.  Every human must pass through these eight stages.  Once we solve these problems, then and only then will we create the ideal world and freely meet with God who is the subject of love.

One who desires the absolutely unique subject must fulfill the condition by denying the fallen reality. 

Therefore, restoration through indemnity cannot be established even if a small condition of affirmation remains.

We find God when we return to the original position before the fall.  We all have the responsibility to return back to the sinless Adam and Eve's position.

Adam and Eve were to become True Parents who had no trace of sin.  Here we make the true family, true clan, true nation and true world.  To reach this level we must go in the opposite direction of fallen love.  We as fallen people are walking the way of indemnity.  Without overcoming this course we cannot clean out our fallen self.

How can we restore from the individual problem to the family, clan, nation and world? We must have a clear God-centered ideology.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Three Stages of Judgement

This post was rewritten and taken from the textbook Blessing and Ideal Family section "The Indemnity Condition to Receive the Blessing"

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Messiah in the Millennium

We can see many things in the parables which are told in the bible when we look at them as more than just a story on the surface and more than just a lesson for those of that modern time.  When we see the messages and representation of each parable, a whole world of mystery is unlocked when it comes to the Bible.

There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’  “‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.  “Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.  “Which of the two did what his father wanted?”“The first,” they answered.

Matthew 21:28-31

Jesus said to them: 

“Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.  For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him."

Even though Jesus said this to his own people over two thousand years ago, it may apply to the religious and people of faith to this day.  When we look at the surrounding synagogues and religious leaders and we see who actually followed Jesus to a certain point in his life, which was more likely the ones prepared to follow the Messiah in his time?  

As Jesus told those who thought they held a high position in front of others to God, the believers were the very people he said were not qualified to enter heaven.  Even people told Jesus that he was a blasphemer for not washing his hands, not observing the Sabbath and living and working among the uncleaned.  In their eyes, they were the judge, ruler and all over who was to enter the kingdom of heaven.  

This parable warns us not to be judges of other's heart.

Heaven on Earth in 7 Years

God had prepared for the Second Coming to bear fruit through the Second World War.  He had intended that Christianity as the bride culture to be the center of His will to totally unite the Allied countries of America, England and France.  This unity would have brought the Kingdom of God on earth through this victory and God's Kingdom would spread all over the world.

The Divine Principle teaches that these allied countries were equivalent to the God-like mind or an Abel and the enemy countries of Japan, Germany and Italy were like the fallen, sinful body or a Cain (who murdered his God-like brother).  Within seven years from 1945, if the world had united after World War II the Kingdom of God would have been established.

This is what is forseen in Revelations of the marriage Supper of the Lamb.  The messiah would come to bring God's original blessing of marriage which removes the fallen, sinful blood lineage which we currently inherit from our fallen parents and pass on generation to generation.

Based on such families where sin is eradicated through the blessing marriage of the Messiah, would be sent out all over the world to build the Kingdom of God on earth and it would have been a piece of cake.

Therefore, centering on this Christian culture, absorbing and digesting the satanic, secular culture would have been easy.  Instead, we chose the opposite way, the satanic way and communism was thus born.

But, because of the failure of Christianity right after World War II, democratic countries such as America have been used as a kind of base for communist propaganda and all kinds of secular crimes, such as sexual, drug and juvenile problems. All kinds of social problems are rampant all over the world that wasn't on the societal level until after World War II because of the failure at that time for the nations to unite.

God had blessed America as the central country as the tool to build the Kingdom of God on earth, but as we observe in our society today, it is the total opposite of God's will.  Now, America has become the source of all kinds of evils and social evils all over the world.

Therefore Reverend Moon from the beginning, right after World War II, has been standing alone to fight against this evil force from the individual level, family level, and worldwide level.

All kinds of opposition and persecution have been there; however, Father overcame all those stages of opposition and persecution and right now the time has come that the world is welcoming Reverend Moon with both arms.

The Beginning of Hell

Of course it was a human tragedy that Adam and Eve fell away from God. Then at the time of Jesus Christ, who came as the messiah, mankind betrayed him and lost him; that was another tragedy.

God faced the tragedy of Adam and Even and walking from His true direction.  Another tragedy was when mankind betrayed Jesus Christ by not following his path.  The worst tragedy God suffered was to watch the second messiah reject the True Parents who reversed Adam and Eve's mistake.  Humanity rejected, persecuted him.  America, Korea, Japan played a role in opposing and persecuting Father of the Second Coming.

Right after World War II, upon the foundation of the unification of world Christianity, they could have received Father as the king upon their foundation of unity; then from that point on, the whole world could have been unified. However, because of the failure, Father walked his own course from the individual level to the worldwide level, all the way for forty years until now.

One thing Father wants you to remember is since May 1 of this year, which was the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Unification Church, in seventy days Kim Il Sung passed away.

God had tried to restore Adam and Eve's mistake through their children Cain and Abel.  There were to become filial sons and daughters who followed the true path of God and love their parents in the position of kings and queens naturally.  Instead, we know that Cain could not follow his filial brother Cain disrupting God's way to restore the world through them...He had to wait until a filial son such as Noah was born.

One thing we have to understand, as Father said, right after World War II, centering on Christianity, if the entire world had accepted and welcomed Father as the messiah, Kim Il Sung wouldn't have appeared in the history of mankind, Communism would never have existed if the world naturally through the Christian faith followed.

Kim Il Sung and his son, the Soviet Union and communism is falling at the knees spreading their God-denying beliefs around the world.  Now an opportunity to bring God's kingdom to earth has been established.

Father predicted even earlier that no matter how hard communism may try, before the eighth leader communism would fall. So Gorbachev was the eighth head of state of the former Soviet Union. If you read Father's speech book some time ago Father predicted that.

"It's not a coincidence. Think about it; communism fell within these eight different heads of state and also Kim Il Sung passed away seventy days after May 1 of this year, exactly seventy days. That's the way, when it comes to the history of mankind and history of any providential countries, it doesn't go by random happening; it goes by the formula of history.

If the world had accepted Father as the messiah, savior, right after World War II, a large scale of movement of God-centered families would have taken place across the world. For example, because Father would have blessed in God's direct holy marriage and millions and millions of couples interracially, internationally, and intercontinentally who would follow their spouses and families from one continent to another continent, one nation to another nation, this kind of movement would have taken place all over the world right after the world.

So that way by doing so a new political system and national system would have taken place. In other words, centering on Blessed couples, Blessed families, a new culture and new civilization would have been formed. That was God's plan. But because of the failure right after the world war it didn't take place and it took forty years for Father until today.

Now since communism has declined, Christianity must be united; it doesn't matter, Catholicism or Protestantism, they should be united to chase away all these social evils and crimes.

That's our responsibility.

In other words, the direction of all the minds of the people in the world is now clear towards God, so opposition, opposing power is getting weakened and almost disappearing in the world.

All the horizontal brothers and sisters in the world and all the parents of the world must be united together and start building the Kingdom of God on earth as well as in heaven.

This is the significance of the motto centering on True Parents. Centering on the True Parents, all the Blessed couples will be in the position of object and their children will follow as well. In other words, the time has come that all the people in the world without any exceptions, must receive the marriage Blessing from True Parents.

So what's the meaning of the Completed Testament Age? 

This is the time that God's ideal of love is to be accomplished and perfected by fulfilling our five percent of responsibility on earth. It's like Adam and Eve without falling, in other words doing their five percent of responsibility to perfect themselves and build the perfect family.

When it comes to the Fall of man, we're talking about the fall of the original Adam's family. When you look at the families here, the world here, on the right-hand side heavenly families standing; on the left-hand side satanic families standing, horizontally they are on the same level.

So, in the course of restoration the positions will be changed, like from left to right and from right to left. The elder brother goes in the position of younger brother and the younger brother, as elder brother. This is the time.

Of course there are many super nations, big countries and small countries all over the world, but as long as our fatherland Korea, south and north, is divided into Cain and Abel, the world, all the countries, will be divided into Cain nations and Abel nations. We have been working with North Korea in many different ways, in many different areas since Father's visit there.

Providentially speaking, now the time has come that North Korea must listen to Father, Reverend Moon. That's why Father's birthplace, Jung Ju, will be decorated and developed under the banner of Jung Ju Peace Park. The North Korean government will build a peace park in Father's birthplace.

So therefore, if mankind finds the place where they can build real peace on earth, then the entire world will pay attention to that.

The time has come. Also, the time has come that the intellectuals and scholars, the educated people come to understand that this is the time that beyond cultural, racial, and national barriers, beyond even your traditions and customs and habits centering on Christianity, mankind can find hope to build peace on earth."

Also, as you know Father established his foundation, built his career in helping those starving people, like twenty million people dying of starvation every year. So, Father has been working to save those people for the last twenty years. That has been recorded as his career.

Reverend Moon has focused on the oceanic enterprise preparing for the oceanic era.  He knows the resources in the ocean is just limitless with the abundance of fish laying millions and millions of eggs which we can hatch.

Because of Father's love and effort in these oceanic enterprises to save the people dying in hunger, now even in this country, people who know about the oceanic business have come to trust Father's ability.

So, how can we save those people who are dying of starvation, worldwide, because people are still dying.

When we look at a flourishing country in America where food is wasted and people are dieting to lose weight possibly due to overeating while in other place people are dying every moment.  If God was watching above us would He be happy to witness this event in the world?

Also, have you thought of any country, particularly rich countries like America and other developed countries, do you think they are really coming forward to be responsible to save all those poor countries who are losing thousands and thousands of lives every day because of hunger? They don't even dream.

When we look at the world in a broader sense, do rich countries like America truly try to take responsibility for this unfair distribution of resources and save the poorer countries who lose thousands of brothers/sister and mothers and fathers daily?  They don't even think about it.  Therefore, the term "True Parents" must be a formidable word to the billions and billions of parents who abandon their children who are dying by the millions.

Would a True Parent allow such abuse and neglect? The parents don't let their children die, they don't know how to save them.  From a True Parent's perspective, one cannot understand  why the children cannot be saved when there is plenty of land for animals and ocean where they can produce some type of food resources to save the children.

Surely, if people can live in those regions, then fish and animals can survive there as well as a resource.  Man was meant to be the superior being of creation, so why can't the starving nation find a way to bring fish and animals live abundantly as food supply?  Because they have not been taught the proper way to farm, raise animals, catch fish, hunt or build fish farms.  IT is a simple thought.  If one knows how to do these things such as catch fish and raise animals, would there be a reason to die from hunger?

Last time when Father Moon visited Brazil, he was told that there is one particular swamp area along the borderline between Paraguay and Brazil which is twice as big as the land of Japan. In that particular swamp area there are over 3,600 different species of fish. In that swamp alone, 3,600!

So, think about it, if we can utilize these different species of fish to do fish farming all over the world, where the lakes and rivers are abundant, we can feed the entire humanity. So Father's question is, since we know that we are losing over twenty million innocent lives every year because of starvation, what position should we take?

Should we just watch them die away every day, like forty thousand to sixty thousand people? Even if we starve, we skip our meals, we should do our absolute best to save their lives.

If, as the ratio goes, 200 people as a unit save one person's life every year, the entire five billion people can live together without losing lives because of starvation. Is that an impossible task for mankind? Even though Father's movement has been pouring money into this oceanic enterprise for the last twenty years, it has been losing money.

When organizations invest into such project there has been no profit but constant investing.  This is the same way God has been investing into mankind.  But we have learned through the Divine Principle that God continues to give and give because He does not remember what He has invested for the sake of mankind.

The True Parents as the messiah have silently invested every ounce of energy, material and spiritual power the same way in humanity even though they have denied their existence.  Because of this foundation and tradition, people are starting to bow their heads.

Those who have received the Blessing are to care for the entire mankind before their own family, this is the true way, the godly way.  Instead, the messiah is spearheading the dispensation while the families find that they cannot fully follow his direction without the wife and the children grabbing and holding them back.

What about Father's situation? Look at Father's own situation. While Father is leading, spearheading this entire worldwide movement such as, for example, the American headquarters, they are opening their hands for help from Father.

"Comparing to our own situations, whatever mission we may have, whatever businesses we are in charge of, the burden on Father's shoulders is maybe thousands of times heavier than ours. But, when we are in a difficult situation, instead of trying to help Father, lighten Father's burden, we come forward and ask for help from Father.

That has been our attitude. If that kind of family is in front of you, do you think that family has a future?

Father was told that last year and this year were the most difficult years in Japan. So, they almost lost hope and there was no light whatsoever. Have you really been worried about this kind of miserable situation, just like your own family situation? Have you? Has the entire movement? We must pay attention to that.

Last time when Father was in South America, Father was in a way shocked by imagining that if as much money as has been invested in America, was spent for the sake of South America, what kind of situation could we face today?

There's no racial discrimination. They are not arrogant people. When they see new immigrants coming from foreign countries, instead of discriminating against them, they help them and support them without any racial discrimination.

What about America? American people are so proud as the number one country in the world this is the way that America has been greeting the entire world instead of helping.

Even so, the reason Father has put effort and money into this country, billions and billions of dollars, is because Father knows that the center of Christianity is here in this country, America. That's why Father helped Christianity to be revived and to be restored to change the position from second son(Abel) to elder son(Cain).

The politicians, the media organizations, and scholars from universities all over the world: these are the three major powers which will move the world from now on. Along with these three major powers of the world, if we can inspire high school students and college students, the entire world will start to change. Do you follow?

In other words, once we revive high school kids and college students, this youth problem can be solved. How about now?

Satan has occupied all the youth all over the world, but we have to restore them back.

It doesn't matter what religion you may have been following, whether it's Christianity or Buddhism or whatever, the time for the first generation is gone; the time for the second generation is dawning. When we say second generation we are talking about high school kids and college kids.

That's why before Father left for Korea last time, Father asked you to focus on witnessing to the second generation people, high school students and college students. Don't worry about adults, so called adult people, because tribal messiahs are supposed to witness to them.

If we stick with witnessing to the first generation people all the time, then we will automatically lose second generation people. In other words, we will lose both. But if we stick with witnessing to the second generation people, we will save both first and second.

Do you follow?

When it comes to the course of restoration there is always Cain and Abel relationship; that's the formula. This is the formula for the restoration. Cain and Abel, Mother: this is individual, family, all the way to the eighth level, heaven and earth.

At the time of the Fall of man, centering on Satan and Adam, this mother's position was lost. Therefore, mankind was directed to hell. It's a formula just like in ourselves, where there is a Cain/Abel relationship between mind and body.

In other words, our body which is Cain has been controlling and subjugating our mind who is Abel. But actually it should be the other way around. Expansion of these individual Cain and Abel relationships within ourselves, mind and body, is the world Cain and Abel.

So, the Holy Spirit is in the position of mother. By doing so, the Holy Spirit in the mother's position will restore this Cain and Abel relationship.

The extension of these relationships appeared in World War II between Great Britain, America and France, with France in the position of Cain, America in the position of Abel and Great Britain in the position of mother, or the Holy Spirit.

But this time, instead of making a relationship with Satan and fallen Adam, the mother will unite with God and restored Adam, and naturally mankind will head for the Kingdom of God in heaven. This is on the worldwide scale.

This time the mother figure, the Holy Spirit position, will have to be united, her bridegroom who comes as the messiah naturally will become one with God. In other words, there is no way for anybody to be restored, to be saved again, unless they are born through the Holy Spirit, mother's spirit, again. Fallen humankind is standing in the Abel position.

From there you have to separate into half, and take the mind position. Cain and Abel divide and grow up. Abel grows up more. After that, the position of the elder and younger is exchanged. The authority changes. From there, we can go back to the original position-God's place. This is the formula.

So, that's why, when we look at the world, even in America, the husbands are in the position of archangel, and wives are in the position of mother, Eve's position. In other words, mothers must embrace all the children and restore them through her and eventually restore the husband, who is in the position of archangel to her.

Mostly, because of the wives, in other words, mothers' failure in this country, divorce takes place, because mothers couldn't really offer their love to embrace their children and build a solid family. In other words, the failure of America and free world is mostly because of women, wives.

Many wives and mothers are constantly bugging their husbands; instead of just blindly following True Parents and doing the missionary work or the spiritual work, they say: "Why don't you go to college and graduate school and learn skills so that you can make money?" And they are doing the same thing to their children.

When it comes to following the course of God's dispensation, is there anybody else who is more blindly following God's will than Father himself? (No.) That means that you may think that you have been just following God's will blindly all these years, but when you watch Father, Father is even a million times more blindly following God's will.

Do you think so? Then, after he has done that, did Father fail? (No.) Father has been supporting God's will all these years blindly without any reservation. We have all kinds of excuses.

Even after the Fall of man, Adam added many different excuses: "Oh God, I fell because of Eve." Eve's excuse was:

'God, Adam whom you created, didn't do his responsibility so we failed'. So they didn't admit their own mistake; nobody did. Usually we have a tendency to think: 'Oh well, I did what I could and I was right, but because of somebody else or because of some circumstances, the mistake took place'.

And former enemy countries like Japan, Germany, and Italy initiated World War II; they should become one now and belong to the messiah.

And if those six countries totally become one with the messiah, Rev. Moon, the world can be restored. Suppose you were born fifty years ago, and Rev. Moon came saying "I am the messiah"-would you believe in him as the messiah, 50 years ago?

But now you do not have any choice but believing in Father. Since Father declared Safe Settlement of True Parents and Completed Testament Age, all kinds of significant ceremonies have occurred. No matter what Father may say you understand the wisdom of receiving from Father, so keep your heart open to receive.

But because of the failure of these six countries receiving and welcoming Father as the messiah right after World War II, Father had to stand alone all those years, for forty years. During those forty years, Father had to overcome all the different levels of difficulties and persecutions.

He overcame all the hurdles, and from prison level, one after another, one by one, he was restoring and he came to this level today. Imagine how sad God and True Parents were when they knew that the entire world centering on Christianity should have accepted Father as the messiah of mankind, yet they failed right after World War II.

How sad they were. Can you imagine that? God was alone, think of that. If Father, Rev. Moon, had given up right after World War II, when the opposition took place and the entire world failed in welcoming Father, then God might have abandoned this entire world and started creating a new world and new mankind.

But Father said to God: 'God, please don't worry about it; I will take full responsibility and I will start from scratch again, alone'.

That's why, even if Father was in prison, Father never prayed to God to help him, he never shed tears because of pain. He always told God, 'Father, I am still alive. I will make it all the way through'. That has been Father's promise to God.

Each time Father was in prison he jumped one level and he went up another level. It was zigzag, but he was constantly progressing.

He never doubted. There was no room whatsoever to give any complaints centered on himself. Father was more than confident that he had to take this responsibility to restore back the entire mankind because of the fall of Adam and Eve.

Father prayed that "Of course the entire world is opposing me because of Satan, but even if God opposes me, I will go" because Father knew the course of indemnity. Think about it: Father had to indemnify the 4000 years of history in 40 years.

How difficult it was! These 40 years' course of indemnification ended this year, May 1, that's why Father came up with Safe Settlement of True Parents and Completed Testament Age; it is a great motto.

Perfection must take place on earth, completion, unity between mind and body must take place on earth, here. Of course, there have been millions and millions of different conflicts and battles and wars throughout history, but the final war among mankind is the battle between mind and body.

So, man and woman must be responsible; but we are in a much better situation, because we are taught by True Parents how to fight this war. When it comes to Father's level, Father had to deal with the entire world, all the different religions and nations and people to come up to this point.

But our responsibility is restoring ourselves, I mean, winning the battle between mind and body and establishing our family centered on True Love, and doing tribal messiahship up to 160 families. We can't trust secular people out there, we have to know that. If you give your total trust, you will always be hurt, you'll lose something.

Therefore, we Blessed couples must be united and give total trust to one another. Therefore, our course is clear: we must go through the completion as an individual, family, tribe and nation; we have to go that far-no exception."SMM

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Restoring Fallen History

The previous post was rewritten and derived from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon Leader's Meeting 1994

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Prayer: Allow Us to Discover Where Our Hearts Lie

Anything that is absolute has qualities that are unchanging and are everlasting.  Prayers are the same. True Father, as Rev. Sun Myung Moon is called by his followers, has set records with 20-hour speeches and strong fervent prayers where he not only sweat blood but also tears.  The following prayer was given in 1965.  One can feel the Father's heart from the deep path he had laid out on earth for God and His children to be set free:

"Father, please allow us to discover the condition in which our hearts now lie. We are aware that although our bodies have gathered together, each heart moves in its own direction. We are aware that we who were created by You should move only according to Your desire, and just as You created Adam, so too our hearts should be molded according to Your desire. Now our bodies have come together to form one altar, but we are concerned as to whether the true natures and essential natures of our hearts have become the temples in which You may dwell.

Please forgive us that even with such hearts we yearn for You, our precious Father. We are painfully aware of how much we need to feel the sensation that comes when our insufficient hearts brush against Your internal character and are suddenly lifted up.

We cannot but consider within the depths of our hearts how through Your history of restoration You have sought joy through calm discussion and have sought to manifest our missions solemnly. No one ever welcomed our Father solemnly or stood in a position for You to express Your hidden secrets. Through this moment we have taken to heart how it was only our Father who cried, and only our Father who suffered. Our Heavenly Father should be the True Father of all mankind, and our Heavenly Father and we ourselves must establish a three-dimensional relationship centered on eternal life.

Although we must become sons and daughters who realize these facts, if such a realization does not sprout from deep within our hearts, how can we call ourselves Your sons? How can we call ourselves Your daughters? When we realize that no ties or connections bind us together, we see that we also have no relationship with the Kingdom of Heaven which You would give us. Neither have we anything to do with the place for Your rest after You have suffered through the long history of resentment. Our suffering Father, our loving Father! Should You forsake our pitiful selves, we can only be buried in eternal death. What abilities do we have? We are so weak and so lacking in every way. We feel nothing but fear, and with such hearts receive Your love; turning our eyes toward heaven, we desperately await the hand of salvation.

Oh Father, we pray from deep within our hearts: please save our pitiful selves. History has reached its consummation. Father, You are surely aware of how the surging waves of death attack us from every direction and threaten to swallow us up. Because You have maintained a heart of concern for us and have kept the will to sacrifice for us, when You see us in our present situation, Your heart must rend asunder. Father, we beg that You may pity us and fulfill this moment.

Father, in this moment, we would like to confess our lonesome hearts before You and exchange them for Your heart. Surely You are aware of the pitiful situation we are in. We cannot live unless we can exchange our inexpressibly sad and grieving hearts for Your heart of joy and life. We pray, Father, that You may forgive us. Father even though You have sacrificed Yourself for us and taken upon Yourself all our suffering, still, because we are so fallen, we must again seek Your salvation.

Oh Father! Please let it be that the hearts of all gathered here may flow freely among themselves. Although we once were stumbling now we are all gathered here as brothers and sisters. We have gathered here to turn toward heaven, yearning for the Heavenly Word of restoration that will allow us to reach for Your original idea. So we beg that You take pity on us and raise us up. But who among us can stand before You in confidence?

Because, Father, You are confident, we have sought to be confident, and because You have told us how it must become, we have sought to believe this way. But if there is even the smallest mistake here, You will have to forgive us again, so we beg that You will give us direct guidance.

Father, we pray that You take pity on the race of thirty thousand. Without knowing the proper road to follow, our brothers can only wander aimless, crying and screaming on the road of life or death. We know, Father, that Satan is hunting for them and his power is increasing.

We must become people capable of feeling grief over this reality and testify to the road they must follow and decrease the power of Satan over them. In this way, we must raise the foundation of victory.

Oh Father! If our strength is not sufficient, please give us Your courage. Just as You directed Joshua and Caleb to be strong and of good courage, we beg that You may grant us Your words at this time. We pray that we may become heavenly sons and daughters who will offer the fate of the race of thirty thousand before our Father's altar, link them to Your life, and pay any sacrifice and fight to the end when Satan attacks trying to sever this precious lifeline.

Even today Your sons and daughters are scattered across the country. Father, they are bowing down before You and in tears they cry out with their sad hearts. On this tragic course where men are not able to comfort one another, but must live in a bitter, lonely environment, please take pity on Your sons and daughters who have so few brothers and sisters to whom they can confess their sorrow.

In this moment, by softly caressing each other's hearts we have seen how the world of Your heart moves beyond space and time. Because in this moment our hearts may be struck by Your guidance, we may experience a moment of the joy of being submerged in Your heart. If it may be allowed for this one brief moment, we beg that You may bring us Your word and hope that You may somehow spend this moment in our midst.

We do not ask for words of blessing. We only need the awareness that now is the time when we must know how we are lacking, and now is the time to know the heart that fears having to come to judgment without having wiped away the lineage of sin.

We pray that with such a body and mind, we may be able to approach the word that is permitted to us. We pray that the heart of he who speaks the word and the hearts of those who are about to receive the word may not be separated, but will become one heart and be able to touch Your heart that overflows in deep truth and love.

We pray that in this moment, we may take on our Father's internal character and humbly bow before You, and that this may be a moment in which the heart of respect and honor may flow among us and that there may not even be the smallest opening through which Satan may invade. We pray in the name of our precious Lord. Amen.

Father, please allow us to discover the condition in which our hearts now lie. We are aware that although our bodies have gathered together, each heart moves in its own direction. We are aware that we who were created by You should move only according to Your desire, and just as You created Adam, so too our hearts should be molded according to Your desire. Now our bodies have come together to form one altar, but we are concerned as to whether the true natures and essential natures of our hearts have become the temples in which You may dwell.

Please forgive us that even with such hearts we yearn for You, our precious Father. We are painfully aware of how much we need to feel the sensation that comes when our insufficient hearts brush against Your internal character and are suddenly lifted up.

We cannot but consider within the depths of our hearts how through Your history of restoration You have sought joy through calm discussion and have sought to manifest our missions solemnly.

No one ever welcomed our Father solemnly or stood in a position for You to express Your hidden secrets. Through this moment we have taken to heart how it was only our Father who cried, and only our Father who suffered. Our Heavenly Father should be the True Father of all mankind, and our Heavenly Father and we ourselves must establish a three-dimensional relationship centered on eternal life.

Although we must become sons and daughters who realize these facts, if such a realization does not sprout from deep within our hearts, how can we call ourselves Your sons? How can we call ourselves Your daughters?

When we realize that no ties or connections bind us together, we see that we also have no relationship with the Kingdom of Heaven which You would give us. Neither have we anything to do with the place for Your rest after You have suffered through the long history of resentment. Our suffering Father, our loving Father! Should You forsake our pitiful selves, we can only be buried in eternal death.

What abilities do we have? We are so weak and so lacking in every way. We feel nothing but fear, and with such hearts receive Your love; turning our eyes toward heaven, we desperately await the hand of salvation.

Oh Father, we pray from deep within our hearts: please save our pitiful selves. History has reached its consummation. Father, You are surely aware of how the surging waves of death attack us from every direction and threaten to swallow us up. Because You have maintained a heart of concern for us and have kept the will to sacrifice for us, when You see us in our present situation, Your heart must rend asunder. Father, we beg that You may pity us and fulfill this moment.

Father, in this moment, we would like to confess our lonesome hearts before You and exchange them for Your heart. Surely You are aware of the pitiful situation we are in. We cannot live unless we can exchange our inexpressibly sad and grieving hearts for Your heart of joy and life. We pray, Father, that You may forgive us. Father even though You have sacrificed Yourself for us and taken upon Yourself all our suffering, still, because we are so fallen, we must again seek Your salvation.

Oh Father! Please let it be that the hearts of all gathered here may flow freely among themselves. Although we once were stumbling now we are all gathered here as brothers and sisters. We have gathered here to turn toward heaven, yearning for the Heavenly Word of restoration that will allow us to reach for Your original idea. So we beg that You take pity on us and raise us up.

But who among us can stand before You in confidence? Because, Father, You are confident, we have sought to be confident, and because You have told us how it must become, we have sought to believe this way. But if there is even the smallest mistake here, You will have to forgive us again, so we beg that You will give us direct guidance.

Father, we pray that You take pity on the race of thirty thousand. Without knowing the proper road to follow, our brothers can only wander aimless, crying and screaming on the road of life or death. We know, Father, that Satan is hunting for them and his power is increasing.

We must become people capable of feeling grief over this reality and testify to the road they must follow and decrease the power of Satan over them. In this way, we must raise the foundation of victory. Oh Father! If our strength is not sufficient, please give us Your courage.

Just as You directed Joshua and Caleb to be strong and of good courage, we beg that You may grant us Your words at this time. We pray that we may become heavenly sons and daughters who will offer the fate of the race of thirty thousand before our Father's altar, link them to Your life, and pay any sacrifice and fight to the end when Satan attacks trying to sever this precious lifeline.

Even today Your sons and daughters are scattered across the country. Father, they are bowing down before You and in tears they cry out with their sad hearts. On this tragic course where men are not able to comfort one another, but must live in a bitter, lonely environment, please take pity on Your sons and daughters who have so few brothers and sisters to whom they can confess their sorrow.

In this moment, by softly caressing each other's hearts we have seen how the world of Your heart moves beyond space and time. Because in this moment our hearts may be struck by Your guidance, we may experience a moment of the joy of being submerged in Your heart. If it may be allowed for this one brief moment, we beg that You may bring us Your word and hope that You may somehow spend this moment in our midst.

We do not ask for words of blessing. We only need the awareness that now is the time when we must know how we are lacking, and now is the time to know the heart that fears having to come to judgment without having wiped away the lineage of sin.

We pray that with such a body and mind, we may be able to approach the word that is permitted to us. We pray that the heart of he who speaks the word and the hearts of those who are about to receive the word may not be separated, but will become one heart and be able to touch Your heart that overflows in deep truth and love.

We pray that in this moment, we may take on our Father's internal character and humbly bow before You, and that this may be a moment in which the heart of respect and honor may flow among us and that there may not even be the smallest opening through which Satan may invade. We pray in the name of our precious Lord. Amen.

Please Return for Tomorrow's Post: Messiah in the Millennium